An Online web editor made to go with Virtual FTP I have had several requests to put this on so here it is It needs several improvments and I welcome
PHP Snippets
Every PHP developer needs a good and reliable collection of code snippets. In this category, you will find 900+ copy and paste code snippets that will help in your next PHP project.
Just upload the script to a server add a bunch of folders with the photos works with audio and video too in them That’s it The folders become categories and
Use this code on forums that allow you to have a picture in you sig.
This simply script is very usefull when your server is outside your timezone and you want to view the correct time date you can reach me at my site http
The mysql fetch assoc quot converts quot a row from a table into an associative array The mysql insert array quot converts quot an associative array into a row in
Problem: Take a row from a table of images and display thumbnails x number across.
Just change the value of $tds to change how many it shows across the row.
Generates a MySQL query from all fields on an HTML page To add a new colum to insert data into simply add a new field make sure the field name
This is a basic class based peice of code I wrote to send myself an Yahoo instant message whenever someone would come to my website Although it is not complete
function that returns password of length n containing alphanumeric characters (A-z, a-z, 0-9)
Essentially a timestamp that returns the date of the next nth weekday of a month E g the th Tuesday or the st Monday of every month Many events are