A simple function for caching images generated by php/gd.
Every PHP developer needs a good and reliable collection of code snippets. In this category, you will find 900+ copy and paste code snippets that will help in your next PHP project.
A simple function for caching images generated by php/gd.
A simple, but useful function that sets a variable to a value if the expression given is false.
Easy to use and more secure than many cgi form mailers Upgraded and improved th Nov now cleans all input to prevent spammers injecting headers into your PHP mail stops
This code will produce a useful navigation resource showing visitors where they are in your site This form of navigation is recommended by Jakob Nielson and it really does make
Connect Four in PHP. Go to http://www.lookout.ie/games/onlinegames/connect4/code.shtml to get the code and to try the game.
Got other games as well.
this is a simple little script that generates scales chords in a given key on the fly maybe someone can use this to do something that’s a little more interesting
First pass at a simple HTML parser. Give it a chunk of HTML, and it will call your methods for every tag it encounters.
Guise is a template class written in PHP that allows you to keep HTML seperate from your PHP code This is especially helpful for larger projects or when you’re working
Apache ErrorDocument .htaccess solution
Litle script for alternating row colors in html tables.