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PHP Snippets
Every PHP developer needs a good and reliable collection of code snippets. In this category, you will find 900+ copy and paste code snippets that will help in your next PHP project.
Looks up a supplied word from
Needs lynx installed.
works best via console (/exec echo "word" > ~/.dicword; php /file/dic.php)
needs work
As The Name Says 🙂
This class allows you to maintain a POP connection and authenticate through the secure APOP method or through the traditional plain text manner Server error checking is handled more appropriatly
This example is files One htm file that contains a HYML form The other is a PHP file which loops through all of the posted variables and displays them Comments
This PHP algorithm will generate all possible n-grams for a word and return an array of all unique n-grams.
When connected to a database, this page will retrieve email address al send an HTML message each. It also allows for a preview before the email is sent.
Database abstraction layer for MySQL Caching of the resultset in both numeric and asscociative arrays Enables you to jump both forwards and backwards in the resultset Basic XML-output of the
A simple graphical counter that post visitor information to a MySQL database
This Code i have tested on Apache here user is authenticated user username james and password smith the program sends mail to the System Admin informing who logged in and