The htaccess class manages the htaccess functions of Apache Webservers Without knowing much knowledge of Apache users can be added or deleted groups can be created anddeleted htaccess files can
PHP Snippets
Every PHP developer needs a good and reliable collection of code snippets. In this category, you will find 900+ copy and paste code snippets that will help in your next PHP project.
Two functions that return difference in hrs and mins.
initial version for dynamic UPC code image generation using php, perl, a flat file, and GD::Barcode
Create a 1×1 gif file without GD; just say the color. You can create a incolor image too. Make to use with stats bars.
PHP and MySQL DB required Customizable via css cascading style sheet Customizable Tags – Font Color Bold Italic Underlined Marquee Strike Through blinking not in all browsers and URLS IP
This function accepts a date field in various formats like mm-dd-yyyy yyyy mm dd etc and validates that it is a correct date then converts it to standard MySQL format
Allows you to upload a button background, then select a font, text, size, and color to place on top. Very simple little script.
displays a diagram of a postgres db and list of tables and sequences. A good quick a dirty view of a DB from a web page.
Determines the distance in miles between two latitude longitude pairs in degrees with a slightly modified Haversine formula from R W Sinnott quot Virtues of the Haversine quot Sky and
very short function, 6 lines long.