Description PHPClientSniffer Version File Name PHPClientSniffer php Author Roger Raymond for PHyX studios Author Email roger raymond asphyxia com Created Wednesday August Last Modified Modified By ‘ INFO Returns client
PHP Snippets
Every PHP developer needs a good and reliable collection of code snippets. In this category, you will find 900+ copy and paste code snippets that will help in your next PHP project.
This piece of code will interact with Apache’s mod_spel module and return results that lets you customize the output.
This function gets the age of a person from their date of birth in either the format DDMMYYYY or MMDDYYYY To call the function use getage quot quot for DDMMYYYY
This snippet will help in understanding the uploading down loading the images into databases You can upload any file But it is limited to gif files only when down loading
This can basically be used as an include file. It calculates the number of workdays that have elapsed in the given month. Holidays are editable and excluded.
This function allows to trace the shortest path beetwen nodes and traces the route for example on a map I found on a forum and i think it s very
include file for dumping complex objects in three formats: preformatted text, HTML lists, and HTML tables.
This is an unltra simple trigger written in plpgsql the standard procedural language of postgresql It updates the lm last modified field of a table every time a record is
Calculate the no: of days between two given dates.
Retrieve & parse wedding registry information for a Bed, Bath, and Beyond online registry given the registry number. Fills an array with item description, price, UPC, # requested, and # purchased.