A database wrapper with functions similar to that of Ruby on Rails’ ActiveRecord It is not a true ActiveRecord implementation but it does off very similar functionality Included in this
PHP Snippets
Every PHP developer needs a good and reliable collection of code snippets. In this category, you will find 900+ copy and paste code snippets that will help in your next PHP project.
The loopedArray object simulates a quot looped quot array data type that loops such that all indexes of n sizeof loopedArray k returns the same element as indexes of k
Allows you to test the validity of a Regular Expression against a sample string Great for learning how to use RegEx or to create and test new ones This program
This function lets you check whether an date event should recur on a specified date. This is handy for calendar, billing and reminder applications.
u have a date and want to know the next day
i used it for loops…..
This class allow sending of text, html, or html/text messages with or without attachments.
A command line php script to return size amp type of given image file s Works with file globbing NOTE NOT tested on Windows GD is NOT needed copy the
Gets email from user and server
Convert strings into papertape
The iBilling Client Library is an integration solution API for Intrannuitys iBilling subscription and recurring billing platform The library enables developers to rapidly add subscription and recurring billing credit card