PHP Snippets

Every PHP developer needs a good and reliable collection of code snippets. In this category, you will find 900+ copy and paste code snippets that will help in your next PHP project.

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phpCalendar provides a class interface to the PHP calendar date functions It is intended to be helpdeul in allowing programmers provide calendar features in their applications You can get the

Drop this file in any image directory that you want and it automaticaly generates an easy to use browsable interface for your images

EASY INSTALL – Just drop the file in the base directory Just one script file Upload and delete files Authenticate the user optional Edit a file optional Specify which file

Syntax array steps double start double end int steps Returns an array of numbers beginning with start and gradually incrementing it so that the final number is end You decide

Automatic generation of HTML for table.
– Colspan, rowspan, table style, column style, cell style, and data style may all be defined.
– OO interface
– Simple but effective

Fully integrates with phpBB and and FlashChat and provides several payment modules multiple skins and free upgrades lt a href links htm gt View some LIVE dating websites created using

This function allows you to make a HTML table from csv Excel without quot quot divided into several pages and you can change number of lines of the table w