Simple PHP counter that requires no database, just a text file…
PHP Snippets
Every PHP developer needs a good and reliable collection of code snippets. In this category, you will find 900+ copy and paste code snippets that will help in your next PHP project.
A function to perform database queries on MySQL servers. Takes one argument; The SQL statement.
A DroPDowNMenU with a javascript that sends You to the page or folder you want.
This Is The Nicest Thing You’ve Ever Seen !!!
html/php uses unix dig to get host information
Syntax numcomma quot value quot This function takes a numeric value and adds commas where applicable If you gave it the value of quot quot then it would return quot
Easy to use mysql class that has basic database access with error checking.
This code contains two files pic php and numverif php numverify php generates a random -character code using uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers A-Z a-z – It send this
Create a web based POP and IMAP email system If you want to provide something like Hotmail to your users access your own POP mail via the web or offer
This dandy function uc sentences that I made will capitalize the first word of every sentence It’s very nice as opposed to uc words which looks tacky and is hard
Use to convert a numeric number to a literal string equivalent ie numToString returns quot ten quot As of right now it works for any number up to – if