PHP Snippets

Every PHP developer needs a good and reliable collection of code snippets. In this category, you will find 900+ copy and paste code snippets that will help in your next PHP project.

Results via Envato Market

constructs a customizable advance HTML lt table gt from SQL queries Author – Nil Angsioco – http www biskwit com – eojlin amp nbsp amp nbsp biskwit amp nbsp amp

Binary search algorithm function Takes an array as an argument and the element to be searched for in the array Returns ‘ ‘ if found ‘ ‘ if not The

A Very Simple No-SQL User login It is two pages How to add more users is included There is no protection so make a folder with a funky name or

Entire shopping cart which does not rely on cookies It uses a MySQL database for storing product data as well as shopping cart data Right now it’s a rough and

This script takes a height width start color and end color In hex and generates a vertical gradient jpeg using GD The script is written so it can be called