PHP Articles

You will find articles covering all areas of PHP, including application architecture, functions, databases, tools, the latest PHP news, and insightful guides covering setup & installation and site operation.

Articles Sub-Categories: Application Architecture, Databases, News, Pear, PHP Functions, Setup & Installation, Site Operation, Tools, Tricks & Hacks.

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By PHP Builder Staff on March 2, 2012 OK, I needed to use arrays to create my graphing functions that I detailed in my article “HTML_Graphs” here on this site. Unfortunately, arrays are way different in PHP than in my native programming language, Java. In Java, you define an array…

By PHP Builder Staff on March 2, 2012 Functions are interesting animals in PHP. Functions are kind of like “black boxes” since they cannot see outside of their universe and you cannot see inside of them. That’s a bit different than some other languages I’ve programmed in. In some languages,…