#native_company# #native_desc#

bar chart

By Fernando Gomes
on February 11, 2005

Version: 1.0

Type: Function

Category: Graphics

License: GNU General Public License

Description: it is an example of a classroom that allows to create bar charts 3D, the data can be gotten through a table

header("Content-type: image/png");
class GraficoBarras{
    var $num_barras, $max_val, $inc_horiz, $inc_vert, $inc3D, $incV;						 
    var $imag, $EscHorizontal, $width, $height, $estilo;
    var	$arr_data, $arr_nomes, $arr_y, $y_max;
    var $cor_de_fundo, $cor_do_titulo, $cor_de_linhas, $cores, $dark_cores, $preto, $cor_letras;						
    function GraficoBarras($num=3, $larg=400, $alt=300, $estilo){ 
    				 $this->num_barras = $num;
    				 $this->inc_horiz = (380-30)/$this->num_barras;
    				 $this->EscHorizontal = 0;
    				 $this->width = $larg;
    				 $this->height = $alt;
    				 $this->y_max = 300;
    				 $this->estilo = $estilo;
    				 $this->arr_data = array();
    				 $this->arr_nomes = array();
    				 $this->arr_y = array();										 
    				 $this->imag = @imagecreatetruecolor($larg, $alt) or die("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
    				 $estilo = ($estilo == "") ? 'Classico' : $estilo;
    				 			case 'Classico':  $this->cor_do_fundo = imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0xC1, 0xC7, 0xCC);
    						  case 'Feminista': $this->cor_do_fundo = imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0xFF, 0xB3, 0xB3);
    							case 'Moderno': 	$this->cor_do_fundo = imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0x8C, 0xBA, 0xDE);
    				 $this->cores = array("0" => imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00), //red
                  					 	 		"1" => imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00),  //green
                          				"2" => imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF),  //blue   
                  								"3" => imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00), //yellow
    															"4" => imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF), //purple
    															"5" => imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF), //cyan
																	"6" => imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 255, 165, 0)); //orange
             $this->dark_cores = array( "0" => imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0x90, 0x00, 0x00), 
                          					 	 	"1" => imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0x00, 0x90, 0x00),  
                                  			"2" => imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0x00, 0x00, 0x90),  
                          							"3" => imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0x90, 0x90, 0x00),
    																		"4" => imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0x90, 0x00, 0x90),
    																		"5" => imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0x00, 0x90, 0x90),
    																		"6" => imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 190, 100, 0)); 																							
    				 $this->preto = imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0, 0, 0);																																				
    				 imagefill($this->imag, 0, 0, $this->cor_do_fundo);	
    				 imagerectangle ($this->imag, 0, 0, $larg-1, $alt-1, $this->preto);												 								 
    function adicionarTituloGrafico($titulo){
    				 $this->cor_titulo = imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 255, 255, 255);
    							 $corRect = imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0, 0x3F, 0x7D); 
    							 $x2 = $this->width-2;
    							 $y2 = 20;
    							 imagefilledrectangle ($this->imag, 1, 1, $x2, $y2, $corRect); 			  		
    							 imagestring($this->imag, 5, 4, 3, ':: '.$titulo, $this->cor_titulo);		
    				 imageline ($this->imag, 0, $y2+1, $x2, $y2+1, $this->preto);
    				 imagestring($this->imag, 5, 4, 3, ':: '.$titulo, $this->cor_titulo);										 	
    function desenhaExterior(){
    				$this->inc3D = (60/$this->num_barras);
    				$this->inc3D = ($this->inc3D < 20) ? $this->inc3D : 20;
    				$this->inc3D = ($this->inc3D > 5) ? $this->inc3D : 5;										
    				$inc3D = $this->inc3D; 
    				$this->cor_de_linhas = imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0, 0, 0); 
    				$grey = imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 180, 180, 180);
    				$dark_grey = imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 120, 120, 120); 										
    				imagefilledrectangle ( $this->imag, 30+$inc3D, 30, 380+$inc3D, $this->y_max-$inc3D, $grey);		
                  $values = array(0=>30, 1=>$this->y_max, 2=>380, 3=>$this->y_max,
    												4=>380+$inc3D, 5=>$this->y_max-$inc3D, 6=>30+$inc3D, 7=>$this->y_max-$inc3D, 8=>30, 9=>$this->y_max);                     
                  imagefilledpolygon($this->imag, $values, 5, $dark_grey ); 
    				$values = array(0=>30, 1=>$this->y_max, 2=>30+$inc3D, 3=>$this->y_max-$inc3D,
    												4=>30+$inc3D, 5=>30, 6=>30, 7=>30+$inc3D, 8=>30, 9=>$this->y_max);
    				imagefilledpolygon($this->imag, $values, 5, $grey); 													
    				imageline($this->imag, 30, 30+$inc3D, 30, $this->y_max + 3, $this->cor_de_linhas); //barra vertical	
    				imageline($this->imag, 30, $this->y_max, 380, $this->y_max, $this->cor_de_linhas); //barra horizontal
    				imageline($this->imag, 30+$inc3D, 30, 30+$inc3D, $this->y_max-$inc3D, $this->preto); // barra cinzenta										
    function desenhaEscVertical($val){		
    		 if ($val < 10){ $posx = 8; }								 
    		 else if ($val >= 10 && $val < 20){ $posx = 6; }
    		 else{ $posx = 4; } 
    		 $inc3D = $this->inc3D; 										 		 									 								 
    		 $val = ($val > 10) ? 10 : $val; 		 	
				 if ($val == 0)
    		 $this->inc_vert = ($this->y_max-60)/$val;
    		 $inc = ($this->max_val / $val);						 			 				 
    		 for ($n=$this->y_max, $a=0; $n>30; $n = $n-$this->inc_vert, $a++){
    		 		 if ($n > 50){
    				 		imageline($this->imag, 28, $n, 30, $n, $this->cor_de_linhas); //_ horizontal								 		 									 
    				 		imageline($this->imag, 30, $n, 30+$inc3D, $n-$inc3D, $this->cor_de_linhas);	//obliqua
    				 if ($n-6 > 30)
    				 		imagestring($this->imag, 2, $posx, $n-6, round($k, 1), $this->cor_de_linhas);
    				 if ($n-$inc3D > 30)				 
    				 		imageline($this->imag, 30+$inc3D, $n-$inc3D, 380+$inc3D, $n-$inc3D, $this->cor_de_linhas); //horizontal
    				 if ($a < 2) $this->arr_y[$a] = $n-$inc3D;
    				 $k = $k + $inc;												 
    		 }$this->incV = ($this->arr_y[1]-$this->arr_y[0])/$inc;										 
    function desenhaEscHorizontal(){ $this->EscHorizontal = 1; }	
    function setMaxValor($valor) { $this->max_val = $valor; }		
    function destroy(){ imagedestroy($this->imag); }													
    function addDados($dado){ array_push($this->arr_data, $dado); }
    function addNomes($dado){ array_push($this->arr_nomes, $dado); }
    function criaGrafico(){		
    		 $inc = $this->inc_horiz-5;
    		 $max = 255;
    		 $min = 0;
    		 $inc3D = $this->inc3D;						 											 			 								 										 									
    		 if ($this->num_barras <= 4) $incX = 55;
    		 else if ($this->num_barras > 4 && $this->num_barras <= 8) $incX = 45;
    		 else $incX = 40;		
    		 for ($n=0; $n<count($this->arr_data); $n++){					 								 																
    				 $y_value = ($this->arr_data[$n] == $this->max_val) ? 240 : abs($this->incV * $this->arr_data[$n]); 									 		 																			 										 										 
    				 $y1 = $this->y_max - $y_value;					 									 									 							 						 							 												 												 
    				 $x1 = ($incX+($inc)*$n+(4*$n));	
    				 		case 55: $x2 = (15+($inc*($n+1))+(4*$n));
    					  case 45: $x2 = (25+($inc*($n+1))+(4*$n));
    				 						 $x2 = (25+($inc*($n+1))+(4*$n))+ 3; 	
    				 // ---- faz o efeito 3D do grafico ---- 
    				 $values_lado = array(0=>$x2+$inc3D, 1=>$y2-$inc3D+1, 2=>$x2+$inc3D, 3=>$y1-$inc3D,
    												4=>$x2, 5=>$y1, 6=>$x2, 7=>$y2, 8=>$x2+$inc3D, 9=>$y2-$inc3D+1);                                           									 
    				 $values_cima = array(0=>$x2, 1=>$y1, 2=>$x2+$inc3D, 3=>$y1-$inc3D, 
    				 				 	 			 4=>$x1+$inc3D-1, 5=>$y1-$inc3D, 6=>$x1-1, 7=>$y1, 8=>$x2, 9=>$y1); 																				 											 		
    				 if ($n + 1 > count($this->cores)){
    							$r = rand(100, 255);
    							$g = rand(100, 255);
    							$b = rand(100, 255);
    							$cor = imagecolorallocate($this->imag, $r, $g, $b);
    							$dark_cor = imagecolorallocate($this->imag, $r-100, $g-100, $b-100);														
    							array_push($this->cores, $cor);
    							array_push($this->dark_cores, $dark_cor);													
    				 imagefilledrectangle($this->imag, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->cores[$n]); //desenha parte frente
    				 imagefilledpolygon($this->imag, $values_lado, 5, $this->dark_cores[$n]);	//parte lado
    				 imagefilledpolygon($this->imag, $values_cima, 5, $this->dark_cores[$n]); //parte cima grafico	
    				 imageline($this->imag, $x1+$inc3D-1, $y1-$inc3D, $x1-1, $y1, $this->cor_de_linhas);	//linha1 obl1										 
    				 imageline($this->imag, $x2+$inc3D, $y1-$inc3D, $x2, $y1, $this->cor_de_linhas);	//linha1 obl2													 							 
    				 imageline($this->imag, $x1+$inc3D-1, $y1-$inc3D, $x2+$inc3D, $y1-$inc3D, $this->cor_de_linhas);	//linha1 hor
    				 if ($this->EscHorizontal == 1)
    				 		imageline($this->imag, $x2+$inc3D+3, $this->y_max, $x2+$inc3D+3, $this->y_max+3, $this->cor_de_linhas); //linha separadora vertical										 
    				 if ($this->arr_data[$n] != 0){
    						  imageline($this->imag, $x2+$inc3D, $y1-$inc3D+1, $x2+$inc3D, $y2-$inc3D+1, $this->cor_de_linhas);	//linha1 vert												
    				 imageline($this->imag, $x2+$inc3D, $y2-$inc3D+1, $x2, $y2+1, $this->cor_de_linhas);	//linha1 obl3		
    				 imagerectangle($this->imag, $x1-1, $y1, $x2, $y2+1, $this->preto); //desenha o bordo do rectangulo									 		  										 										 
    function desenhaGrafico(){										 
    function guardaGrafico($img){										 
    			imagepng($this->imag, $img);
    function criaLegenda(){						
    					$this->cor_letras = imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 0, 0, 0);		 
    		$cor_legenda = imagecolorallocate($this->imag, 255, 255, 204);     					
    		imagestring ($this->imag, 3, 10, 315, "Legenda:", $this->dark_cores[2]);								
    		$x1=10;	$y1=330;  
    		$x2 = $this->width-11;																									
        imagerectangle($this->imag, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->dark_cores[2]);  //caixa envolvente
    		imagefilledrectangle($this->imag, $x1+1, $y1+1, $x2-1, $y2-1, $cor_legenda);
    		for ($a=0, $k=5; $a<$this->num_barras; $a++, $k+=20){
    			  imagefilledrectangle($this->imag, $x1, $y1+$k, $x1+$inc, $y1+$k+$inc, $this->cores[$a]);					
    				imagerectangle($this->imag, $x1-1, $y1+$k-1, $x1+$inc+1, $y1+$k+$inc+1, $this->preto);				      		
    				imagestring ( $this->imag, 3, 38, $y1+$k-1, $this->arr_nomes[$a], $this->cor_letras);										

// ------------- criar o grafico -------------
					$maior = 100;   // maior valor										
          $titulo = "Perguntas por tipo"; 								
      		$gbarras = new GraficoBarras(3, 420, 400, $estilo_s);
      				$gbarras->addNomes("Porto MFC");
      				$gbarras->addNomes("Juveo Gay");
