Version: 0.1
Type: Class
Category: Money
License: BSD License
Description: is one of the largest credit card processing gateways in business today. While there are many steps involved in processing credit cards online (merchant account, ssl cert, setup, etc) this ‘interface’ covers connecting your php site to in a secure and safe manner.
This php class will get you online and processing credit cards with your account. It is packaged as a php class to intergrate well with your php programming methods and offer a lot of flexability in the implimentation. It supports the protocol with regard to processing credit cards (echecks not implimented) and will save you many hours of development time and debugging and testing. Supports Gateway v3.1 AIM method. Requires CURL for SSL connection.
<?php /* AuthorizeNet (AIM) PHP Class Created by Tyler Andersen [email protected] This was the first class I wrote in PHP, so its not the greatest. But since it is the only *free* AuthorizeNet script I'm releasing it. It requires CURL for the SSL connection. There's not much documentation yet. (It's on my todo list). If you have any questions feel free to email me. Here's some sample code for using the class. $CC_CCNumber = $_POST['CC_CCNumber']; $CC_ExpMonth = $_POST['CC_ExpMonth']; $CC_ExpYear = $_POST['CC_ExpYear']; $CC_ExpDate = $CC_ExpMonth . $CC_ExpYear; $CC_IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $CC_CVV = $_POST['CC_CVV']; $CC_Type = $_POST['CC_Type']; $AuthorizeNet = new AuthorizeNet_Billing(); $AuthorizeNet->SetCredentials($conf['Billing']['AuthorizeNet']['Login'], $conf['Billing']['AuthorizeNet']['Password'], $conf['Billing']['AuthorizeNet']['TransKey']); $AuthorizeNet->SetTransactionType('AUTH_CAPTURE'); $AuthorizeNet->SetMethodType('CC'); $AuthorizeNet->SetAmount($TotalDue); $AuthorizeNet->SetCCNumber($CC_CCNumber); $AuthorizeNet->SetExpDate($CC_ExpDate); $AuthorizeNet->SetCustomerIP($CC_IP); $AuthorizeNet->CustomerBilling($CC_FirstName, $CC_LastName, $CC_Address, $CC_City, $CC_State, $CC_ZipCode, $CC_Telephone, '', '', '', $AccountNumber, '', $AccountNumber."-".$InvoiceNumber); $AuthorizeNet->SetCardCode($CC_CVV); $AuthorizeNet->EmailCustomer("TRUE", $Cust_EmailAddress); $AuthorizeNet->CopyBillingToShipping(); $AuthResponse = $AuthorizeNet->ProcessTransaction(); $AuthApproved = $AuthorizeNet->ApprovalResponse($AuthResponse); if ($AuthApproved == "APPROVED") { $Auth_TransactionID = $AuthorizeNet->GetTransactionID($AuthResponse); $Auth_ApprovalCode = $AuthorizeNet->GetApprovalCode($AuthResponse); $Auth_Response = $AuthorizeNet->GetResponseReason($AuthResponse); $Auth_AVSResponse = $AuthorizeNet->GetAVSResponse($AuthResponse); $Auth_AuthResponse = explode($AuthorizeNet->delim_char, $AuthResponse); $CCLength = strlen($CC_CCNumber) - 4; $Last4CC = substr($CC_CCNumber, $CCLength, 4); //(Log transaction here) } This code is released under the BSD license. Do whatever you want with it. If you improve it in anyway, please share it. (I would appreciate an email if you do change it. :-) ). Open source is the future! Some Notes: Set your gateway to version 3.1. Password is not required and is DISCOURAGED! You should only use your login and transaction key. However, Password should not be blank. */ $conf['Billing']['AuthorizeNet']['TransKey'] = "TransKey"; $conf['Billing']['AuthorizeNet']['Login'] = "Username"; $conf['Billing']['AuthorizeNet']['Password'] = "0000"; class AuthorizeNet_Billing { var $delim_char; var $delim_data; var $encaps_char; var $debug; var $version; var $test_mode; var $login; var $password; var $trans_key; var $trans_type; var $transaction_id; var $desc; var $cc_num; var $exp_date; var $ccecheck; var $amount; var $ccv_num; var $email_customer; var $customer_email; var $merchant_email; var $email_header; var $email_footer; var $billing_first_name; var $billing_last_name; var $billing_company; var $billing_address; var $billing_city; var $billing_state; var $billing_zip; var $billing_country; var $billing_phone; var $billing_fax; var $shipping_first_name; var $shipping_last_name; var $shipping_company; var $shipping_address; var $shipping_city; var $shipping_state; var $shipping_zip; var $shipping_country; var $cust_id; var $cust_tax_id; var $invoice; var $description; var $customer_ip; var $authNetURL; var $UserAgent; /* ***************************** * AuthorizeNet Constructor * ***************************** */ function AuthorizeNet_Billing ($debugset=NULL) { $this->test_mode = "FALSE"; $this->debug = $debugset; $this->version = "3.1"; $this->delim_char = "|"; $this->delim_data = "TRUE"; $this->encaps_char = ""; $this->authNetURL = ""; $this->UserAgent = "X-AuthorizeNetPHpClass"; } /* ***************************** * AuthorizeNet Test Mode * ***************************** */ function SetTestMode ($test_mode, $error_code=NULL) { /* Valid Test Modes: VISATEST DISCOVERTEST AMEXTEST MASTERCARDTEST ERRORTEST */ if ($test_mode == "ERRORTEST") { $this->cc_num = "4222222222222"; $currenttime = date("Y-m-d", time()); list($cyear, $cmonth, $cday) = sscanf($currenttime, "%04s-%02s-%02s"); $expyear = $cyear+1; $this->exp_date = "$cmonth-$expyear"; $this->amount = "$error_code"; $test_mode = "TRUE"; } if ($test_mode == "VISATEST") { $this->cc_num = "4007000000027"; $currenttime = date("Y-m-d", time()); list($cyear, $cmonth, $cday) = sscanf($currenttime, "%04s-%02s-%02s"); $expyear = $cyear+1; $this->exp_date = "$cmonth-$expyear"; $this->amount = "2.22"; $test_mode = "TRUE"; } if ($test_mode == "DISCOVERTEST") { $this->cc_num = "6011000000000012"; $currenttime = date("Y-m-d", time()); list($cyear, $cmonth, $cday) = sscanf($currenttime, "%04s-%02s-%02s"); $expyear = $cyear+1; $this->exp_date = "$cmonth-$expyear"; $this->amount = "2.22"; $test_mode = "TRUE"; } if ($test_mode == "AMEXTEST") { $this->cc_num = "370000000000002"; $currenttime = date("Y-m-d", time()); list($cyear, $cmonth, $cday) = sscanf($currenttime, "%04s-%02s-%02s"); $expyear = $cyear+1; $this->exp_date = "$cmonth-$expyear"; $this->amount = "2.22"; $test_mode = "TRUE"; } if ($test_mode == "MASTERCARDTEST") { $this->cc_num = "5424000000000015"; $currenttime = date("Y-m-d", time()); list($cyear, $cmonth, $cday) = sscanf($currenttime, "%04s-%02s-%02s"); $expyear = $cyear+1; $this->exp_date = "$cmonth-$expyear"; $this->amount = "2.22"; $test_mode = "TRUE"; } $this->test_mode = $test_mode; if ($this->debug) if ($test_mode) { echo "TestMode: Truen"; } else { echo "TestMode: Falsen"; } return $test_mode; } /* ***************************** * AuthorizeNet Debug Mode * ***************************** */ function SetDebug ($debug_mode) { $this->debug = $debug_mode; if ($debug_mode) echo "Debug set to Truen"; return $debug_mode; } /* ***************************** * AuthorizeNet Credentials * ***************************** */ function SetCredentials ($login_var, $pass_var, $transkey_var) { $this->login = $login_var; $this->password = $pass_var; $this->trans_key = $transkey_var; if ($this->debug) echo "Credentials Set = Login ID: $login_var; Password: $pass_var; Transaction Key: $transkey_varn"; if (($login_var == "") || ($pass_var == "") || ($transkey_var == "")) { if ($this->debug) echo "Credentials Failure!n"; return FALSE; } else { if ($this->debug) echo "Credentials Success!n"; return TRUE; } } /* ********************************** * AuthorizeNet Transaction Type * ********************************** */ function SetTransactionType ($type_var, $transid_var=NULL) { /* Valid Types are: AUTH_CAPTURE # Authorize and Charge the Credit Card (Default) AUTH_ONLY # Authorize but DOES NOT charge the CC CAPTURE_ONLY # Charges a CC that has already been Authorized by other means (auth number required) CREDIT # Credit/Refund money to customers CC VOID # Cancels a charge/credit that has not yet been settled PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE # Charges a CC that has already been Authorized by AUTH_ONLY */ if ($type_var == NULL) $type_var = "AUTH_CAPTURE"; if ($this->debug) echo "Transaction Type = $type_varn"; if (($type_var == "CAPTURE_ONLY") || ($type_var == "CREDIT") || ($type_var == "VOID") || ($type_var == "PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE") || ($type_var == "AUTH_ONLY") || ($type_var == "AUTH_CAPTURE")) { // Set Transaction Type $this->trans_type = $type_var; if (($type_var == "CAPTURE_ONLY") || ($type_var == "CREDIT") || ($type_var == "VOID") || ($type_var == "PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE")) if ($transid_var != NULL) { // Set Transaction ID $this->transaction_id = $transid_var; if ($this->debug) echo "Transaction ID Found!n"; return TRUE; } else { if ($this->debug) echo "Missing Transaction ID!n"; return FALSE; } } else { if ($this->debug) echo "Unexpected Variable: $type_varn"; return FALSE; } } /* ***************************** * AuthorizeNet Credit/Check * ***************************** */ function SetMethodType ($type_var) { /* Valid Types: CC # Credit Card (Default) ECHECK # Electronic Check */ if ($type_var == "") $type_var = "CC"; if ($this->debug) echo "Method Type (Credit Card or Echeck): $type_varn"; if (($type_var == "CC") || ($type_var == "ECHECK")) { $this->ccecheck = $type_var; if ($this->debug) echo "Method Type: $type_varn"; return TRUE; } else { if ($this->debug) echo "Error! Method Type: $type_varn"; return FALSE; } } /* ***************************** * AuthorizeNet Amount * ***************************** */ function SetAmount ($amount_var) { if (($this->test_mode == "TRUE") && ($this->amount != "")) return $this->amount; if ($this->debug) echo "Amount: $amount_varn"; if ($amount_var == "") { if ($this->debug) echo "No Amount Set!n"; return FALSE; } else { $amount_var = str_replace("$", '', $amount_var); $this->amount = $amount_var; if ($this->debug) echo "Amount Set: $amount_varn"; return TRUE; } } /* ***************************** * AuthorizeNet Description * ***************************** */ function SetTransactionDescription ($desc_var) { if ($this->debug) echo "Transaction Description: $desc_varn"; $this->desc = $desc_var; return TRUE; } /* ***************************** * AuthorizeNet CC Number * ***************************** */ function SetCCNumber ($ccnum_var) { if (($this->test_mode == "TRUE") && ($this->cc_num != "")) return $this->cc_num; if ($this->debug) echo "Original CC Number: $ccnum_varn"; $ccnum_var = str_replace(' ', '', $ccnum_var); $ccnum_var = str_replace("-", '', $ccnum_var); $ccnum_var = str_replace("/", '', $ccnum_var); if ($this->debug) echo "Modified CC Number: $ccnum_varn"; $this->cc_num = $ccnum_var; return $ccnum_var; } /* ***************************** * AuthorizeNet Exp Date * ***************************** */ function SetExpDate ($exp_var) { /* Valid Date Formats: MMYY MM/YY MM-YY MMYYYY MM/YYYY MM-YYYY YYYY-MM-DD YYYY/MM/DD */ if (($this->test_mode == "TRUE") && ($this->exp_date != "")) return $this->exp_date; if ($this->debug) echo "Expiration Date: $exp_varn"; $this->exp_date = $exp_var; return $exp_var; } /* ************************************ * AuthorizeNet Process Transaction * ************************************ */ function ProcessTransaction () { // "x_Password" => "$this->password", $post_array = array( "x_Test_Request" => "$this->test_mode", "x_Login" => "$this->login", "x_Tran_Key" => "$this->trans_key", "x_Version" => "$this->version", "x_Type" => "$this->trans_type", "x_Method" => "$this->ccecheck", "x_Delim_Char" => "$this->delim_char", "x_Delim_Data" => "$this->delim_data", "x_Encap_Char" => "$this->encaps_char", "x_Amount" => "$this->amount", "x_Description" => "$this->desc", "x_Card_Num" => "$this->cc_num", "x_Exp_Date" => "$this->exp_date", "x_first_name" => "$this->billing_first_name", "x_last_name" => "$this->billing_last_name", "x_address" => "$this->billing_address", "x_company" => "$this->billing_company", "x_city" => "$this->billing_city", "x_state" => "$this->billing_state", "x_zip" => "$this->billing_zip", "x_country" => "$this->billing_country", "x_phone" => "$this->billing_phone", "x_fax" => "$this->billing_fax", "x_customer_ip" => "$this->customer_ip", "x_cust_id" => "$this->cust_id", "x_email" => "$this->customer_email", "x_email_customer" => "$this->email_customer", "x_merchant_email" => "$this->merchant_email", "x_invoice_num" => "$this->invoice", "x_description" => "$this->description", ); if (($this->trans_type == "CAPTURE_ONLY") || ($this->trans_type == "CREDIT") || ($this->trans_type == "VOID") || ($this->trans_type == "PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE")) $post_array["x_Trans_ID"] = "$this->transaction_id"; if ($this->debug) { echo "Post Array -n"; print_r($post_array); } $data = ""; reset($post_array); while (list ($key, $val) = each($post_array)) { $data .= $key . "=" . urlencode($val) . "&"; } $data = preg_replace("/&$/", '', $data); //Strip the trailing '&' if ($this->debug) echo "URL: $datan"; /* Initialize CURL */ $AuthNetConn = curl_init(); /* Set CURL Options */ curl_setopt($AuthNetConn, CURLOPT_URL, $this->authNetURL); curl_setopt($AuthNetConn, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->UserAgent); curl_setopt($AuthNetConn, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($AuthNetConn, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($AuthNetConn, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); /* Execute CURL and return values */ $return_string = curl_exec($AuthNetConn); /* Close connection to Secure Server */ curl_close($AuthNetConn); return $return_string; } /* ***************************** * AuthorizeNet Get Response * ***************************** */ function GetResponseReason ($response) { if ($this->debug) echo "Response: $responsen"; $response_code = explode($this->delim_char, $response); if ($this->debug) print_r($response_code); return $response_code[3]; } /* ********************************** * AuthorizeNet Approval Response * ********************************** */ function ApprovalResponse ($response) { if ($this->debug) echo "Response: $responsen"; $response_code = explode($this->delim_char, $response); if ($this->debug) print_r($response_code); if ($response_code[0] == 1) { return "APPROVED"; } if ($response_code[0] == 2) { return "DECLINED"; } if ($response_code[0] == 3) { return "ERROR"; } } /* ********************************** * AuthorizeNet Transaction ID * ********************************** */ function GetTransactionID ($response) { if ($this->debug) echo "Response: $responsen"; $response_code = explode($this->delim_char, $response); if ($this->debug) echo "$response_code[6]"; $this->transaction_id = $response_code[6]; return $response_code[6]; } /* ********************************** * AuthorizeNet Approval Code * ********************************** */ function GetApprovalCode ($response) { if ($this->debug) echo "Response: $responsen"; $response_code = explode($this->delim_char, $response); if ($this->debug) echo "Approval Code: $response_code[4]"; return $response_code[4]; } /* ********************************** * AuthorizeNet Email Customer * ********************************** */ function EmailCustomer ($enabled, $email=NULL, $merchant_email=NULL) { if ($this->debug) echo "Email Customer: $enabled - $emailn"; $this->email_customer = $enabled; $this->customer_email = $email; $this->merchant_email = $merchant_email; return $email; } /* ************************************ * AuthorizeNet Customer IP Address * ************************************ */ function SetCustomerIP ($ip) { if ($this->debug) echo "Customer IP Address: $ipn"; $this->customer_ip = $ip; return $ip; } /* ********************************** * AuthorizeNet Email Head/Foot * ********************************** */ function EmailHeaderFooter ($header, $footer) { if ($this->debug) echo "Email Header: $headern"; if ($this->debug) echo "Email Footer: $footern"; $this->email_header = $header; $this->email_footer = $footer; } /* ********************************** * AuthorizeNet Customer Billing * ********************************** */ function CustomerBilling ($first_name, $last_name, $address, $city, $state, $zip, $phone, $fax=NULL, $country=NULL, $company=NULL, $cust_id=NULL, $cust_tax_id=NULL, $invoice=NULL, $description=NULL) { if ($this->debug) echo "Set Billing Infon"; $this->billing_first_name = $first_name; $this->billing_last_name = $last_name; $this->billing_address = $address; $this->billing_company = $company; $this->billing_city = $city; $this->billing_state = $state; $this->billing_zip = $zip; $this->billing_phone = $phone; $this->billing_fax = $fax; $this->billing_country = $country; $this->cust_id = $cust_id; $this->cust_tax_id = $cust_tax_id; $this->invoice = $invoice; $this->description = $description; } /* ********************************** * AuthorizeNet Customer Shipping * ********************************** */ function CustomerShipping ($first_name, $last_name, $address, $city, $state, $zip, $country=NULL, $company=NULL) { if ($this->debug) echo "Set Billing Infon"; $this->shipping_first_name = $first_name; $this->shipping_last_name = $last_name; $this->shipping_address = $address; $this->shipping_company = $company; $this->shipping_city = $city; $this->shipping_state = $state; $this->shipping_zip = $zip; $this->shipping_country = $country; } /* ********************************** * AuthorizeNet Customer Shipping * ********************************** */ function CopyBillingToShipping () { if ($this->debug) echo "Copy Billing To Shippingn"; $this->billing_first_name = $this->shipping_first_name; $this->billing_last_name = $this->shipping_last_name; $this->billing_address = $this->shipping_address; $this->billing_company = $this->shipping_company; $this->billing_city = $this->shipping_city; $this->billing_state = $this->shipping_state; $this->billing_zip = $this->shipping_zip; $this->billing_country = $this->shipping_country; } /* ********************************** * AuthorizeNet AVS Response * ********************************** */ function GetAVSResponse ($response) { if ($this->debug) echo "Response: $responsen"; $response_code = explode($this->delim_char, $response); if ($this->debug) echo "AVS Response: $response_code[5]"; return $response_code[5]; } /* *********************************** * AuthorizeNet Card Code Response * *********************************** */ function GetCardCodeResponse ($response) { if ($this->debug) echo "Response: $responsen"; $response_code = explode($this->delim_char, $response); if ($this->debug) echo "CVS Response: $response_code[38]"; return $response_code[38]; } /* ********************************** * AuthorizeNet AVS Response Text* ********************************** */ function GetAVSResponseText ($avs_code) { if ($this->debug) echo "AVS Code: $avs_coden"; switch($avs_code) { case "A": return "Address (Street) Matches, ZIP does not."; break; case "B": return "Address information not provided for AVS check."; break; case "E": return "AVS Error."; break; case "G": return "Non-US Card Issuing Bank."; break; case "N": return "No Match on Address (Street) or ZIP."; break; case "P": return "AVS not applicable for this transaction."; break; case "R": return "Retry - System unavailable or timed out."; break; case "S": return "Service not supported by issuer."; break; case "U": return "Address information is unavailable."; break; case "W": return "9 digit ZIP Matches, Address (Street) does not."; break; case "X": return "Address (Street) and 9 digit ZIP match."; break; case "Y": return "Address (Street) and 5 digit ZIP match."; break; case "Z": return "5 digit ZIP matches, Address (Street) does not."; break; } } /* ********************************** * AuthorizeNet Set CVS Number * ********************************** */ function SetCardCode ($cvs_num) { if ($this->debug) echo "Card Code Number: $cvs_numn"; $this->ccv_num = $cvs_num; return $cvs_num; } /* ********************************** * AuthorizeNet CVS Response Text* ********************************** */ function GetCardCodeResponseText ($cvs_code) { if ($this->debug) echo "CVS Code: $cvs_coden"; switch($cvs_code) { case "M": return "Match"; break; case "N": return "No Match"; break; case "P": return "Not Processed"; break; case "S": return "Should Have Been Present"; break; case "U": return "Issuer Unable To Process Request"; break; } } /* ********************************** * AuthorizeNet Generate MD5 Hash * ********************************** */ function GenerateMD5Hash ($hash_value) { if ($this->debug) echo "Hash Value: $hash_valuen"; $whole_hash_value = $hash_value . $this->login . $this->transaction_id . $this->amount; $hash_str = strtoupper(md5($whole_hash_value)); return $hash_str; } /* ********************************** * AuthorizeNet Validate MD5 Hash * ********************************** */ function ValidateMD5Hash ($hash_value, $response) { $response_code = explode($this->delim_char, $response); if ($this->debug) echo "Hash Value: $hash_valuen"; if ($this->debug) echo "Recieved Hash Value: $response_code[37]n"; if ($this->debug) print_r($response_code); if ($hash_value == $response_code[37]) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } } ?>