#native_company# #native_desc#

Associative array keys extractor

By Rasshmii
on July 7, 2004

Version: 1.0

Type: Sample Code (HOWTO)

Category: Other

License: GNU Library Public License

Description: Code which will extract all the keys from an array and convert them into variables.

Useful, if you have code written with register_globals on, and wants the same code to be functional with register_globals off, which is functional from
PHP 4.2.0. in which the ‘register_globals’ setting is off by default.

i.e. When you submit a form, and if your code directly uses the field name as variable instead of using HTTP_POST_VARS, then just add the above code at the beginning of the page. All the field names will be set as variables.

/* Code  which will extract all the keys from an array and convert them into variables. In this case $HTTP_POST_VARS array 
which stores the form fields after submission is taken as an example.

For e.g. 

$HTTP_POST_VARS["user_name"] = "abc";
$HTTP_POST_VARS["age"] = 25;



print $name . "<br>";
print $age . "<br>";


