Version: 1.3
Type: Class
Category: HTTP
License: GNU General Public License
Description: A small PHP-class that gives you access to the mime.types file that comes e.g. with apache. It is useful if you want to set the “Content-type” header before you output a file whose type is only known by its extension.
<?php /* ** ** ** ** (c) 2002 peppermind Network Neue Medien, ** ** Daniel Boesswetter,, Thu May 23 12:40:52 CEST 2002 ** ** ** <LEGAL BLURB> ** 1. this software is distributed free of charge (send me a mail if you like it :) ** 2. use at your own risk ** </LEGAL BLURB> ** ** ** $Log:,v $ ** Revision 1.3 2002/05/27 12:44:20 bos ** added some comments ** ** Revision 1.2 2002/05/24 09:40:50 bos ** added the default behaviour if no filename is specified: try to ** find apache's server root via the phpinfo command and ** ** Revision 1.1 2002/05/23 12:09:14 bos ** simple class for accessing apaches mime.types file ** ** ** this class provides access to the contents of the mime.types file as ** used by apache. it is based on the assumption, that a mime-type can ** have multiple associated file-extensions, but one file extension ** is only associated with one mime-type. ** ** mime.types is assumed to have one mime-type per line (with no leading ** whitespace), followed by whitespace-separated filename-extensions ** (usually without dots). ** ** todo: ** - some error-handling would be nice (e.g. file not found) ** - optimization by using global variables or class variables to ** avoid multiple parsing of the same file in a single process (page) ** - optimize the documentation :) ** */ if (!defined("")): define("", true); class mime_types { /* constructor: specify a filename, if omitted will try to find it in apache's server-root (by using phpinfo, see below) */ function mime_types( $filename="" ) { if ( $filename ) $this->_filename = $filename; else $this->_filename = $this->_get_default_filename(); $this->_initialized = false; } /* return the mime-type for a given file-extension */ function type_by_extension( $ext ) { if ( !$this->_initialized ) $this->_initialize(); return $this->_ext2type[$ext]; } /* return an array of file-extensions for a given type */ function extensions_by_type( $type ) { if ( !$this->_initialized ) $this->_initialize(); return $this->_type2ext[$type]; } /* array of known mime-types */ function known_types() { if ( !$this->_initialized ) $this->_initialize(); return array_keys( $this->_type2ext ); } /* array of known file-extensions */ function known_extensions() { if ( !$this->_initialized ) $this->_initialize(); return array_keys( $this->_ext2type ); } /* returns a human-readable dump of the internal state of this object */ function dump() { if ( !$this->_initialized ) $this->_initialize(); ob_start(); echo "_filename=".$this->_filename."n"; echo "_ext2type:n"; print_r( $this->_ext2type ); echo "_type2ext:n"; print_r( $this->_type2ext ); $ret = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $ret; } /* internal: read file and parse the contents */ function _initialize() { $lines = file( $this->_filename ); $this->_ext2type = array(); $this->_type2ext = array(); foreach ( $lines as $line ) { if ( preg_match( "/^s*#|^s*$/", $line ) ) continue; $line = chop( $line ); $exts = preg_split( "/s+/", $line ); $type = array_shift( $exts ); $this->_type2ext[$type] = $exts; foreach ( $exts as $ext ) { $this->_ext2type[$ext] = $type; } } $this->_initialized = true; } /* try to find the servers mime.types (ugly, but it works) */ function _get_default_filename() { /** capture the output of phpinfo(8) and find the table entry called "Server Root". mime.types usually resides under conf/mime.type FIXME: this works only for apache!!! */ ob_start(); phpinfo(8); $text = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); preg_match( "/Server Root(<[^>]*>)*([^<]+)/", $text, $matches ); return $matches[2]."/conf/mime.types"; } } endif; ?>