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Zend, RightScale Put PHP Apps In Cloud

By Scott Clark
on October 21, 2009

Zend Technologies, supplier of the PHP language and tools, and RightScale, a cloud application management service, have teamed up to help PHP developers get their applications into the cloud.

RightScale will provide templates for virtual servers that include the Zend Server, the core runtime environment for PHP applications. A developer can deploy a new PHP application on Amazon (NSDQ: AMZN)’s EC2 cloud through RightScale and monitor its performance through the RightScale Cloud Management Platform.

RightScale CTO Thorsten von Eicken demonstrated the platform at ZendCon, Zend’s annual user group meeting, at the San Jose conference center Tuesday, and described its features during a “Developing on the Cloud” panel at the conference Tuesday afternoon.

Cloud computing suppliers are finding an increasing share of their workloads to be PHP applications, said von Eicken. PHP developers need an assured deployment method to move their applications into the cloud. By supplying an application and designating the desired server type, RightScale can spin up a virtual machine that includes both Zend Server and the application cast into the Amazon Machine Image format, and send it to EC2, where it runs, he said.

To read the full story, visit http://www.informationweek.com/news/software/development/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=220700487&subSection=All+Stories