#native_company# #native_desc#

XML How-To Page 2

By Joe Stump
on September 7, 2000


// handles the attributes for opening tags

// $attrs is a multidimensional array keyed by attribute

// name and having the value of that attribute

function startElement($parser$name$attrs=''){


$current_tag $name;

    if (
$format $open_tags[$name]){



'New Story: ';







// $current_tag lets us know what tag we are currently

// dealing with - we use that later in the characterData

// function.


// when we see a </STORY> we know that it is time to

// flush our temp variables and prepare to move onto

// the next one

function endElement($parser$name$attrs=''){


    if (
$format $close_tags[$name]){




$temp '';







// this function is passed data between elements

// theu $data would equal 'Title Here'

// in the line <TITLE>Title Here</TITLE>

function characterData($parser$data){




$temp['title'] = $data;

$current_tag '';



$temp['url'] = $data;

$current_tag '';







As you can see so far XML parsing in PHP isn’t all that bad. Now for the
fun part – parsing the file! For that you will need the rest of the code, which is fairly simple.