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VS.Php 2.6 release focuses on the enterprise developer

By Juan Rivera
on January 29, 2009

Jcx.Software recently announced the release of VS.Php 2.6 for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. VS.Php is the PHP integrated development environment (IDE) for Visual Studio developers. This version includes a number of features for the enterprise developer including:

<li>Seamless integration with Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0 (IIS 7), which allows developers to host their PHP project on their local IIS server. VS.Php configures PHP, Fast CGI and XDebug automatically. It also provides unique configuration for each Php project hosted in IIS, allowing developers to utilize custom settings in the php.ini for each project.</li>
<li>Support for very large projects with over 10000+ files. VS.Php is now optimized to load large projects quickly.</li>
<li>Project-wide IntelliSense, providing the developer with quick access to all classes, functions, methods and constants defined in the project. VS.Php provides two tabs in the IntelliSense pop-up, one for frequently used entries and another for project wide entries.</li>
<li>The ability to drag and drop files within the solution view, which allows the user to quickly copy or move files within the project. Also, the user can drag files to the references node for quick access in IntelliSense for the symbols defined in the file.</li>
<li>The latest version of Zend Framework, Php 5 and XDebug.</li>

For more information, visit the company’s site at <a href=”http://www.jcxsoftware.com/” target=”_blank” target=”_new”>http://www.jcxsoftware.com/”>http://www.jcxsoftware.com/</a>