Version: 1.0.0
Type: Full Script
Category: Other
License: Other
Description: Here’s a (borrowing an emailer script) very simple, one-file, 15-minutes-to-set-up website referrer. Just fill in the To and From fields, and voila, it’s sent.
Just upload it as a .php file, make a link to it on the pages you want to be referred, and it will work. It uses HTTP_REFERER, so it MUST be linked from somewhere.
You only need one file, so there’s no reason to make different copies for different directories or pages.
Here’s the cool part: You don’t have to credit me! This is just simple PHP. If anyone wants to to do anything else with it, go ahead and submit updates.
Have fun!
<b>Tell a friend about our site!</b> <p> <?php If ($to_email && $message && $subject) {$to = ""$to_name" <$to_email>"; $from = ""$from_name" <$from_email>"; $to = str_replace("'", "'", $to); $from = str_replace("'", "'", $from);$subject = str_replace("'", "'", $subject); $message = str_replace("'", "'", $message); mail($to, $subject, $message, "From: $fromnX-Mailer: TYPE YOUR BUSINESS NAME HERE"); echo "Mail message sent : nTo : $tonFrom : $fromnSubject : $subjectnMessage : $message"; exit; } ?> <form action=<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?> METHOD=POST> To (Friend's name): <input type=text name=to_name> <br> To (Friend's email): <input type=text name=to_email> <br> From (Your name): <input type=text name=from_name> <br> From (Your email): <input type=text name=from_email> <br> Subject : <input type=text name=subject> <p> Message: <textarea name=message cols=60 rows=10> Hi! I found this page and thought you'd be interested. Link: <? if (empty($HTTP_REFERER)) { $referrer = 'No referrer reported'; } else { $referrer = $HTTP_REFERER; } echo $referrer; ?> </textarea> <p> <input type=submit value=Mail></form>