#native_company# #native_desc#

Object Orientation Page 4

By Mark Williams
on July 30, 2000

genericinfo Class
In this particular scenario, we are going to create three classes. That’s right, three classes. One for managing the data and two sub-classes for drawing the boxes. Let’s start with the managing data class (which we’ll call genericinfo). Here’s the code:


class genericinfo {

    //Set up the Object, reserving memory space for variables


var $outerwidth;







// Textual variables

var $title;


// Style vairables

var $cssboxtitle;



        Use these functions to get and set the values of this 

        object's variables. This is good OO practice, as it means 

        that datatype checking can be completed and errors raised accordingly.


function setouterwidth($req_outerwidth) {

$this->outerwidth $req_outerwidth;



getouterwidth() {




setouterbordercolor($req_outerbordercolor) {

$this->outerbordercolor $req_outerbordercolor;



getouterbordercolor() {




setouterborderwidth($req_outerborderwidth) {

$this->outerborderwidth $req_outerborderwidth;


getouterborderwidth() {




settitlebgcolor($req_titlebgcolor) {

$this->titlebgcolor $req_titlebgcolor;



gettitlebgcolor() {




setinnerwidth($req_innerwidth) {

$this->innerwidth $req_innerwidth;



getinnerwidth() {




setinnerbgcolor($req_innerbgcolor) {

$this->innerbgcolor $req_innerbgcolor;


getinnerbgcolor() {




settitle($req_title) {

$this->title $req_title;



gettitle() {




setcssboxtitle($req_cssboxtitle) {

$this->cssboxtitle $req_cssboxtitle;



getcssboxtitle() {





        This is the constructor for the object. In this case I have set the initial

        values of a number of the object properties to those values declared in the 

        global constants.inc. By doing this, I only need to change the values of 

        these properties for specific operations, which we will not need to

        do throughout this example


function genericinfo() {












        if (isset(






// Methods




You will no doubt notice from this that there are no methods for the class. Why? Well, I guess in a
practical situation you might well choose to combine these three objects into one, simply changing the methods
according to the desired box. However, this is a real-life example of using classes and sub-classes
(“inheritance”) and the reason I have chosen to sub-class is so that as I add more flavours of box (eg,
curved corners), I can create further sub-class(es); increasing the portability of the right code.
