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New Release: WAMP5 1.4.4

By Romain Bourdon
on April 4, 2005

The WAMP5 installer for Windows has been updated this week end. WAMP5 1.4.4 is now delivered with :

– PHP 5.0.4
– Apache 1.3.33
– MySQL 4.1.10a
– PHPmyadmin 2.6.1-pl3
– SQLitemanager 1.0.4

The mbstring extension has also been activated for the new PHPmyadmin.

By the way, the PHP4 add-on has been updated with PHP 4.3.11.

WAMP5 automatically installs Apache, MySQL, PHP5 (and PHP4 with a switch from one to the other) on your windows system.

Download WAMP5 here : http://www.wampserver.com