#native_company# #native_desc#

My bulletin board

By Timo Jaamanen
on October 2, 2002

Version: 1.0

Type: Full Script

Category: BBS/Discussion

License: GNU General Public License

Description: I have expanded Steve’s idea to have multiple bulltin discussion boards with a similar concept. There are two files in the download.php, PLEASE SPLIT THEM before use. The file mybb.php is the main one. The file bulleti-board.php has to remain in the same directory and directory should have read/write permissions.
Dont get it? e-mail me

File #1 : mybb.php who has motivated me to develop on this. You are welcome to use and develop on this. written and proofed by Vijay Sarvepalli */ if ($message) { /* uncomment the next two lines to strip out html from input */ /* $name = strip_tags($name); */ /* $message = strip_tags($message); */ $message = ereg_replace("rnrn", "n
", $message); $date = date("l, F j Y, h:i a"); mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $rndnum = mt_rand(9,9000000); $message = "

Topic: $subject 
$subject from $name -- $date  
"; $message .= "  e-mail contact $email  
rn"; $sp = "bulletin-board.php"; $fp = $rndnum.".php"; if ( !copy($sp, $fp)) { print ("Operation failed"); } $fp = fopen($fp.".comment","a"); fwrite ($fp, $message); fclose ($fp); $reference = "Message from $name on $date 
Subject $subject  

rn "; $rp = fopen(basename($PHP_SELF).".reference","a"); fwrite ($rp,$reference); fclose($rp); } print (" Previous Message on this bulletin board: 
Click on hyperlink to view message and reply "); @readfile(basename(($PHP_SELF . ".reference"))); ?> 
Post a New Topic for discussion 
(Please give accurate information, do not abuse this bulletin board) 
Your name:

Your e-mail address:

Title for your discussion:

Your comment:

-------------------------------CUT HERE ---------------------------------- File #2: bulletin-board.php who has motivated me to develop on this. You are welcome to use and develop on this. written and proofed by Vijay Sarvepalli */ if ($message) { /* uncomment the next two lines to strip out html from input */ /* $name = strip_tags($name); */ /* $message = strip_tags($message); */ $message = ereg_replace("rnrn", "n
", $message); $date = date("l, F j Y, h:i a"); $rndnum = mt_rand(); // $message = "$name -- $date


"; $message = "Reply from $name -- $date  
"; $message .= "  e-mail contact $email  
rn"; $fp = fopen (basename($PHP_SELF) . ".comment", "a"); fwrite ($fp, $message); fclose ($fp); } @readfile(basename(($PHP_SELF . ".comment"))); ?> Post your reply to this topic: 

Your name:

Your e-mail address:

Your response: