The code on the prior page is pretty common place. Now we actually interface with the database.
We can do this using the inherent ODBC functions within PHP and SQL. As the above
form says, the action is going to be DataAccess.php3. So copy and paste the code
below into the file DataAccess.php3.
We can do this using the inherent ODBC functions within PHP and SQL. As the above
form says, the action is going to be DataAccess.php3. So copy and paste the code
below into the file DataAccess.php3.
function HTML_Head() {
echo "
<TITLE>Processing Form</TITLE>
HTML_Foot() {
echo "</body></html>";
Database_Entries($msg) {
echo $msg;
Output_Entries() {
Make the connection to the database. The syntax is
odbc_connect( 'SYSTEM_DSN' , 'USER', 'PASSWORD' );
$cnx will hold the
pconnect is used to establish a persistent database
connection to the Database until the procedure is completed.
$cnx = odbc_connect( 'WebTute' , 'root', '' );
if (!$cnx) {
Error_handler( "Error in odbc_connect" , $cnx );
// send a simple odbc query . returns an odbc cursor
$cur= odbc_exec( $cnx, "select Index,FirstName,LastName,PhoneNumber from People" );
if (!$cur) {
Error_handler( "Error in odbc_exec( no cursor returned ) " , $cnx );
echo "<table border=1><tr><th>Index</th><th>First Name</th>".
"<th>Last Name</th><th>Phone Number</th></tr>n";
$nbrow=0; //Local variable to count number of rows
// fetch the succesive result rows
while( odbc_fetch_row( $cur ) ) {
$Index= odbc_result( $cur, 1 ); // get the field "Index"
$FirstName= odbc_result( $cur, 2 ); // get the field "FirstName"
$LastName= odbc_result( $cur, 3 ); // get the field "LastName"
$PhoneNumber= odbc_result( $cur, 4 ); // get the field "PhoneNumber"
echo "<tr><td>$Index</td><td>$FirstName</td>".
"<tr><td colspan=2>$nbrow entries </td></tr></table>";
// close the connection. important if persistent connection are "On"
odbc_close( $cnx);
Error_Handler( $msg, $cnx ) {
echo "$msg n";
odbc_close( $cnx);
Enter_New_Entry($FirstName,$LastName,$PhoneNumber) {
First, we create a connection to our ODBC source. This is done by creating
a connection. Once this is done, we are returned an ODBC connection number.
We use this number to use the ODBC functions within PHP.
$cnx = odbc_connect( 'WebTute' , 'root', '' );
if (!$cnx) {
Error_handler( "Error in odbc_connect" , $cnx );
$SQL_Exec_String = "Insert Into People (FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber)
Values ('$FirstName', '$LastName', '$PhoneNumber')";
$cur= odbc_exec( $cnx, $SQL_Exec_String );
if (!$cur) {
Error_handler( "Error in odbc_exec( no cursor returned ) " , $cnx );
odbc_close( $cnx);
$strOldEntries = "Previous Entries in database";
$strNewEntries = "Updated version of databse (after entries)";
Now you should be ready to go! In this example, i havent done any deletion of records.
However, as you can see, if you modify the variable SQL_Exec_String, you can delete
specific records as well.
However, as you can see, if you modify the variable SQL_Exec_String, you can delete
specific records as well.
I hope this has been of use to you.