Running the Test Script
Now, we come back to the work of Alain M. Samoun, as mentioned at the start of this article.
A nice quick example of verifying whether this has worked is by doing this example:
A nice quick example of verifying whether this has worked is by doing this example:
An abbreviated example would be to run this:
Please note that I’ve lifted this directly from page 3 of the above tutorial.
Please note that I’ve lifted this directly from page 3 of the above tutorial.
Hope this helps.
#Set the workbook to use and its sheet. In this example we use a spreadsheet that
#comes with the Excel installation called: SOLVSAMP.XLS
$workbook = "C:Program FilesMicrosoft officeOfficeSamplesSOLVSAMP.XLS";
$sheet = "Quick Tour";
#Instantiate the spreadsheet component.
$ex = new COM("Excel.sheet") or Die ("Did not connect");
#Get the application name and version
print "Application name:{$ex->Application->value}<BR>" ;
print "Loaded version: {$ex->Application->version}<BR>";
#Open the workbook that we want to use.
$wkb = $ex->application->Workbooks->Open($workbook) or Die ("Did not open");
#Create a copy of the workbook, so the original workbook will be preserved.
#$ex->Application->Visible = 1; #Uncomment to make Excel visible.
# Read and write to a cell in the new sheet
# We want to read the cell E11 (Advertising in the 4th. Quarter)
$sheets = $wkb->Worksheets($sheet); #Select the sheet
$sheets->activate; #Activate it
$cell = $sheets->Cells(11,5) ; #Select the cell (Row Column number)
$cell->activate; #Activate the cell
print "Old Value = {$cell->value} <BR>"; #Print the value of the cell:10000
$cell->value = 15000; #Change it to 15000
print "New value = {$cell->value}<BR> ";#Print the new value=15000
#Eventually, recalculate the sheet with the new value.
$sheets->Calculate; #Necessary only if calc. option is manual
#And see the effect on total cost(Cell E13)
$cell = $sheets->Cells(13,5) ; #Select the cell (Row Column number)
$number = Number_format($cell->value);
print "New Total cost =$$number - was $47,732 before.<BR>";
#Should print $57,809 because the advertising affects the Corporate overhead in the
# cell formula.
#Example of use of the built-in functions in Excel:
#Function: PMT(percent/12 months,Number of payments,Loan amount)
$pay = $ex->application->pmt(0.08/12,10,10000);
$pay = sprintf("%.2f",$pay);
print "Monthly payment for $10,000 loan @8% interest /10 months: $ $pay<BR>";
#Should print monthly payment = $ -1,037.03
#Optionally, save the modified workbook
#Close all workbooks without questioning
unset ($ex);