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HardCore Web Content Management v5.3.3 released

By Anna Peterson
on September 7, 2004

The HardCore Web Content Management system is a full-featured web content management system software solution enabling anybody to create and update the content of their Internet websites as well as their Intranet and Extranet websites.

In addition to the scheduling and community features added in version 5.3 the new version 5.3.3 of the system is now integrated with the WYSIWYG HTML editor, HardCore Web Content Editor v5.3.3. As an additional feature the users now also have configuration options for the HardCore Web Content Editor. The users can configure:

<li>Output in XHTML format.</li>

<li>Input field size width and height.</li>
<li>Output on Enter key. </li></ul>

To try the new version of the editor please click here: http://wcm.hardcoreinternet.co.uk.