#native_company# #native_desc#

Free PHP/MySQL Email List App

By Ben Drushell
on December 14, 2000

Ciao EmailList Manager

Since early November 2000, Ciao EmailList Manager (in PHP/MySQL) has been available for FREE public download at:

The program is a FREE PHP/MySQL OPT-IN mass e-mail application that offers features more advanced than many (paid) commercial programs of its type.
This FREE program is intended to assist in the sending of updates/ notifications/ newsletters/ etc. via the web.
A single message can be e-mailed to a large number of addresses. Each recipient
has no way of knowing who else is on the mailing list.

Some of the features include:
easy to install
customizing features

registry form for your site

(Skin-like) highly customizable public sign-up interface

supports many categories

supports optional/required subscriber data

creates custom lists based on categories and subscriber data

list viewer in printer friendly format

216 web-safe color chart

list import

message composer and sender

opt-in sign-up verification

optional administrator notification

supports multiple administrators with full or limited access

supports multiple site usage

supports multiple server usage

save and edit messages/templates

list editing

optional message test send

includes security features

e-mail address/domain/IP blocker

administrator/subscriber friendly
plus many other features

Hope you find this tool useful.
Coded contributions are welcome.
Ciao EmailList Manager is provided as FREE OpenSource under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Ben Drushell