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FmPro Migrator – Migrates FileMaker to MySQL

By David Simpson
on April 24, 2003

.com Solutions Inc. announces the availability of FmPro Migrator 1.23. This latest version of FmPro Migrator has been updated to support the migration of FileMaker Pro database structure and data to MySQL databases. This updated version of FmPro Migrator provides a simple user interface to enable database developers to quickly migrate from FileMaker Pro to MySQL.

The migration of FileMaker Pro numeric, date, time and JPEG container field data is supported with FmPro Migrator STD Edition. Adding support for MySQL database migrations makes it possible for FileMaker Pro customers to quickly and accurately migrate data to MySQL databases located at their ISP. FileMaker Pro customers can now economically host FileMaker Pro data on the internet even if their ISP does not directly support FileMaker Pro database hosting.

FmPro Migrator STD Edition includes the following features:

— Migration of large text fields and image data to MySQL – FileMaker Pro database fields containing more than 255 characters of text are migrated to MySQL TEXT columns – supporting up to 65535 characters per record. JPEG Image data within FileMaker Pro container fields is migrated directly to MySQL LongBLOB columns through a network connection. No manual data entry is required for processing either of these specialized datatypes.

— Support for specifying stand-alone FileMaker Pro solutions files – Migration scripts and database structure reports may also be generated for stand-alone FileMaker Pro solution applications compiled for the MacOS platform.

— Processing of up to 50 open FileMaker Pro databases – Migration scripts and documentation files are generated for all open FileMaker Pro database files. This feature can be utilized to quickly produce documentation of database structure for large numbers of existing FileMaker Pro solutions.

For more info please see: http://www.dotcomsolutionsinc.net/products/fmpro_migrator/index.html
FmPro Migrator utilizes specialized features of MacOS X, therefore it is available only for MacOS X.

A free demo version of FmPro Migrator may be downloaded from http://www.dotcomsolutionsinc.net/downloads/index.html.

.com Solutions Inc. is a registered trademark of .com Solutions Inc. in the United States. FileMaker and the file folder logo are registered trademarks of FileMaker, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. MySQL is a registered trademark of MySQL AB in the United States and other countries.