#native_company# #native_desc#

ECHO Real-Time Transaction Processing PHP Class

By Robb Hanisee
on May 23, 2001

Version: 1.0

Type: Class

Category: Money

License: GNU General Public License

Description: The new ECHO-PHP Class is now available. ECHO-PHP Class drives all types of real-time credit card and check transactions using ECHO merchant processings free secure payment gateway and open-source real-time software. Supports system check, address verification, authorization and deposit, deposit, credit, commercial card, electronic check debit, and more. The new ECHO-PHP Class makes it easier than ever to connect to ECHO using this popular server-side, cross-platform, HTML embedded scripting language. Ideal for all commerce applications. Perfect for ISP/IPPs to use for billing their clients, since this supports electronic checks as well.


    //                                                            //
    //  Name: ECHOPHP v1.4                                        //
    //  Description: PHP Class used to interface with             //
    //               ECHO (http://www.echo-inc.com).              //
    //  Requirements: cURL - http://curl.haxx.se/                 //
    //                OpenSSL - http://www.openssl.org            //
    //  Refer to ECHO's documentation for more info               //
    //  https://wwws.echo-inc.com                                 //
    //                                                            //

	class EchoPHP {
		var $order_type;
		var $transaction_type;
		var $merchant_echo_id;
		var $merchant_pin;
		var $isp_echo_id;
		var $isp_pin;
		var $authorization;
		var $billing_ip_address;
		var $billing_prefix;
		var $billing_name;
		var $billing_address1;
		var $billing_address2;
		var $billing_city;
		var $billing_state;
		var $billing_zip;
		var $billing_country;
		var $billing_phone;
		var $billing_fax;
		var $billing_email;
		var $cc_number;
		var $ccexp_month;
		var $ccexp_year;
		var $counter;
		var $debug;
		var $ec_account;
		var $ec_address1;
		var $ec_address2;
		var $ec_bank_name;
		var $ec_business_acct;
		var $ec_city;
		var $ec_email;
		var $ec_first_name;
		var $ec_id_country;
		var $ec_id_exp_mm;
		var $ec_id_exp_dd;
		var $ec_id_exp_yy;
		var $ec_id_number;
		var $ec_id_state;
		var $ec_id_type;
		var $ec_last_name;
		var $ec_license_number;
		var $ec_license_state;
		var $ec_merchant_ref;
		var $ec_nbds_code;
		var $ec_other_name;
		var $ec_payee;
		var $ec_rt;
		var $ec_serial_number;
		var $ec_state;
		var $ec_zip;
		var $grand_total;
		var $merchant_email;
		var $merchant_trace_nbr;
		var $original_amount;
		var $original_trandate_mm;
		var $original_trandate_dd;
		var $original_trandate_yyyy;
		var $original_reference;
		var $order_number;
		var $shipping_flag;
        var $status;
		var $shipping_prefix;
		var $shipping_name;
		var $shipping_address1;
		var $shipping_address2;
		var $shipping_city;
		var $shipping_state;
		var $shipping_zip;
		var $shipping_comments;
		var $shipping_country;
		var $shipping_phone;
		var $shipping_fax;
		var $shipper;
		var $shipper_tracking_nbr;
		var $track1;
		var $track2;
		var $EchoResponse;
		var $echotype1;
		var $echotype2;
		var $echotype3;
		var $openecho;
		var $athorization;
		var $reference;
		var $order_number;
		var $EchoSuccess;

		function Submit() {

			if ($this->EchoServer) {
				$URL = $this->EchoServer;
			} else {
				$URL = "https://wwws.echo-inc.com/scripts/INR200.EXE";

			$data = $this->getURLData();

			exec("/usr/bin/curl -d "$data" $URL", $return_message_array);

			$this->EchoResponse = ""; // clear this
			for ($i = 0; $i < count($return_message_array); $i++) {
				$this->EchoResponse = $this->EchoResponse.$return_message_array[$i];

			$startpos = strpos($this->EchoResponse, "<ECHOTYPE1>") + 11;
			$endpos = strpos($this->EchoResponse, "</ECHOTYPE1>");
			$this->echotype1 = substr($this->EchoResponse, $startpos, $endpos - $startpos);

			$startpos = strpos($this->EchoResponse, "<ECHOTYPE2>") + 11;
			$endpos = strpos($this->EchoResponse, "</ECHOTYPE2>");
			$this->echotype2 = substr($this->EchoResponse, $startpos, $endpos - $startpos);

			$startpos = strpos($this->EchoResponse, "<ECHOTYPE3>") + 11;
			$endpos = strpos($this->EchoResponse, "</ECHOTYPE3>");
			$this->echotype3 = substr($this->EchoResponse, $startpos, $endpos - $startpos);

			if (strpos($this->EchoResponse, "<OPENECHO>")) {
				$startpos = strpos($this->EchoResponse, "<OPENECHO>") + 10;
				$endpos = strpos($this->EchoResponse, "</OPENECHO>");
				$this->openecho = substr($this->EchoResponse, $startpos, $endpos - $startpos);

			// Get all the metadata.
            $this->status = $this->GetEchoProp($this->echotype3, "status");            
            $this->EchoSuccess = !($this->status == "D");
			//$this->EchoSuccess = !((stristr($this->echotype1, "DECLINED")) || (stristr($this->echotype1, "INVALID")));

			// make sure we assign an integer to EchoSuccess
			($this->EchoSuccess == 1) ? ($this->EchoSuccess = 1) : ($this->EchoSuccess = 0);

			return $this->EchoSuccess;

		} // function submit

		function getURLData() {
			$s .=
			"order_type=" 				. $this->order_type .
			"&transaction_type=" 		. $this->transaction_type .
			"&merchant_echo_id=" 		. $this->merchant_echo_id .
			"&merchant_pin=" 			. $this->merchant_pin .
			"&isp_echo_id=" 			. $this->isp_echo_id .
			"&isp_pin=" 				. $this->isp_pin .
			"&authorization=" 			. $this->authorization .
			"&billing_ip_address=" 		. $this->billing_ip_address .
			"&billing_prefix="			. $this->billing_prefix .
			"&billing_name="			. $this->billing_name .
			"&billing_address1="		. $this->billing_address1 .
			"&billing_address2="		. $this->billing_address2 .
			"&billing_city="			. $this->billing_city .
			"&billing_state="			. $this->billing_state .
			"&billing_zip="				. $this->billing_zip .
			"&billing_country="			. $this->billing_country .
			"&billing_phone="			. $this->billing_phone .
			"&billing_fax="				. $this->billing_fax .
			"&billing_email="			. $this->billing_email .
			"&cc_number="				. $this->cc_number .
			"&ccexp_month="				. $this->ccexp_month .
			"&ccexp_year="				. $this->ccexp_year .
			"&counter="					. $this->counter .
			"&debug="					. $this->debug .
			"&transaction_type="		. $this->transaction_type;

			if (($this->transaction_type == "DD") || ($this->transaction_type == "DC")) {
				$s .=
				"&ec_account="				. $this->ec_account .
				"&ec_address1="				. $this->ec_address1 .
				"&ec_address2="				. $this->ec_address2 .
				"&ec_bank_name="			. $this->ec_bank_name .
				"&ec_business_acct="		. $this->ec_business_acct .
				"&ec_city="					. $this->ec_city .
				"&ec_email="				. $this->ec_email .
				"&ec_first_name="			. $this->ec_first_name .
				"&ec_id_country="			. $this->ec_id_country .
				"&ec_id_exp_mm="			. $this->ec_id_exp_mm .
				"&ec_id_exp_dd="			. $this->ec_id_exp_dd .
				"&ec_id_exp_yy="			. $this->ec_id_exp_yy .
				"&ec_id_number="			. $this->ec_id_number .
				"&ec_id_state="				. $this->ec_id_state .
				"&ec_id_type="				. $this->ec_id_type .
				"&ec_last_name="			. $this->ec_last_name .
				"&ec_license_number="		. $this->ec_license_number .
				"&ec_license_state="		. $this->ec_license_state .
				"&ec_merchant_ref="			. $this->ec_merchant_ref .
				"&ec_nbds_code="			. $this->ec_nbds_code .
				"&ec_other_name="			. $this->ec_other_name .
				"&ec_payee="				. $this->ec_payee .
				"&ec_rt="					. $this->ec_rt .
				"&ec_serial_number="		. $this->ec_serial_number .
				"&ec_state="				. $this->ec_state .
				"&ec_zip="					. $this->ec_zip;

			$s .=
			"&grand_total="				. $this->grand_total .
			"&merchant_email="			. $this->merchant_email .
			"&merchant_trace_nbr="		. $this->merchant_trace_nbr .
			"&original_amount="			. $this->original_amount .
			"&original_trandate_mm="	. $this->original_trandate_mm .
			"&original_trandate_dd="	. $this->original_trandate_dd .
			"&original_trandate_yyyy="	. $this->original_trandate_yyyy .
			"&original_reference="		. $this->original_reference .
			"&order_number="			. $this->order_number .
			"&shipping_flag="			. $this->shipping_flag .
			"&shipping_prefix="			. $this->shipping_prefix .
			"&shipping_name="			. $this->shipping_name .
			"&shipping_address1="		. $this->shipping_address1 .
			"&shipping_address2="		. $this->shipping_address2 .
			"&shipping_city="			. $this->shipping_city .
			"&shipping_state="			. $this->shipping_state .
			"&shipping_zip="			. $this->shipping_zip .
			"&shipping_comments="		. $this->shipping_comments .
			"&shipping_country="		. $this->shipping_country .
			"&shipping_phone="			. $this->shipping_phone .
			"&shipping_fax="			. $this->shipping_fax .
			"&shipper="					. $this->shipper .
			"&shipper_tracking_nbr="	. $this->shipper_tracking_nbr .
			"&track1="					. $this->track1 .
			"&track2="					. $this->track2;
			return $s;
		} // end getURLData

		All the get/set methods for the echo properties
		function set_order_type($value) {
			$this->order_type = $value;

		function get_order_type() {
			return $this->order_type;

		function set_transaction_type($value) {
			$this->transaction_type = $value;

		function get_transaction_type() {
			return $this->transaction_type;

		function set_merchant_echo_id($value) {
			$this->merchant_echo_id = urlencode($value);

		function get_merchant_echo_id() {
			return $this->merchant_echo_id;

		function set_merchant_pin($value) {
			$this->merchant_pin = urlencode($value);

		function get_merchant_pin() {
			return $this->merchant_pin;

		function set_isp_echo_id($value) {
			$this->isp_echo_id = urlencode($value);

		function get_isp_echo_id() {
			return $this->isp_echo_id;

		function set_isp_pin($value) {
			$this->isp_pin = urlencode($value);

		function get_isp_pin() {
			return $this->isp_pin;

		function set_authorization($value) {
			$this->authorization = $value;

		function get_authorization() {
			return $this->authorization;

		function set_billing_ip_address($value) {
			$this->billing_ip_address = $value;

		function get_billing_ip_address() {
			return $this->billing_ip_address;

		function set_billing_prefix($value) {
			$this->billing_prefix = urlencode($value);

		function get_billing_prefix() {
			return $this->billing_prefix;

		function set_billing_name($value) {
			$this->billing_name = urlencode($value);

		function get_billing_name() {
			return $this->billing_name;

		function set_billing_address1($value) {
			$this->billing_address1 = urlencode($value);

		function get_billing_address1() {
			return $this->billing_address1;

		function set_billing_address2($value) {
			$this->billing_address2 = urlencode($value);

		function get_billing_address2() {
			return $this->billing_address2;

		function set_billing_city($value) {
			$this->billing_city = urlencode($value);

		function get_billing_city() {
			return $this->billing_city;

		function set_billing_state($value) {
			$this->billing_state = urlencode($value);

		function get_billing_state() {
			return $this->billing_state;

		function set_billing_zip($value) {
			$this->billing_zip = urlencode($value);

		function get_billing_zip() {
			return $this->billing_zip;

		function set_billing_country($value) {
			$this->billing_country = urlencode($value);

		function get_billing_country() {
			return $this->billing_country;

		function set_billing_phone($value) {
			$this->billing_phone = urlencode($value);

		function get_billing_phone() {
			return $this->billing_phone;

		function set_billing_fax($value) {
			$this->billing_fax = urlencode($value);

		function get_billing_fax() {
			return $this->billing_fax;

		function set_billing_email($value) {
			$this->billing_email = urlencode($value);

		function get_billing_email() {
			return $this->billing_email;

		function set_cc_number($value) {
			$this->cc_number = urlencode($value);

		function get_cc_number() {
			return $this->cc_number;

		function set_ccexp_month($value) {
			$this->ccexp_month = $value;

		function get_ccexp_month() {
			return $this->ccexp_month;

		function set_ccexp_year($value) {
			$this->ccexp_year = $value;

		function get_ccexp_year() {
			return $this->ccexp_year;

		function set_counter($value) {
			$this->counter = $value;

		function get_counter() {
			return $this->counter;

		function set_debug($value) {
			$this->debug = $value;

		function get_debug() {
			return $this->debug;

		function set_ec_account($value) {
			$this->ec_account = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_account() {
			return $this->ec_account;

		function set_ec_address1($value) {
			$this->ec_address1 = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_address1() {
			return $this->ec_address1;

		function set_ec_address2($value) {
			$this->ec_address2 = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_address2() {
			return $this->ec_address2;

		function set_ec_bank_name($value) {
			$this->ec_bank_name = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_bank_name() {
			return $this->ec_bank_name;

		function set_ec_business_acct($value) {
			$this->ec_business_acct = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_business_acct() {
			return $this->ec_business_acct;

		function set_ec_city($value) {
			$this->ec_city = $value;

		function get_ec_city() {
			return $this->ec_city;

		function set_ec_email($value) {
			$this->ec_email = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_email() {
			return $this->ec_email;

		function set_ec_first_name($value) {
			$this->ec_first_name = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_first_name() {
			return $this->ec_first_name;

		function set_ec_id_country($value) {
			$this->ec_id_country = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_id_country() {
			return $this->ec_id_country;

		function set_ec_id_exp_mm($value) {
			$this->ec_id_exp_mm = $value;

		function get_ec_id_exp_mm() {
			return $this->ec_id_exp_mm;

		function set_ec_id_exp_dd($value) {
			$this->ec_id_exp_dd = $value;

		function get_ec_id_exp_dd() {
			return $this->ec_id_exp_dd;

		function set_ec_id_exp_yy($value) {
			$this->ec_id_exp_yy = $value;

		function get_ec_id_exp_yy() {
			return $this->ec_id_exp_yy;

		function set_ec_id_number($value) {
			$this->ec_id_number = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_id_number() {
			return $this->ec_id_number;

		function set_ec_id_state($value) {
			$this->ec_id_state = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_id_state() {
			return $this->ec_id_state;

		function set_ec_id_type($value) {
			$this->ec_id_type = $value;

		function get_ec_id_type() {
			return $this->ec_id_type;

		function set_ec_last_name($value) {
			$this->ec_last_name = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_last_name() {
			return $this->ec_last_name;

		function set_ec_license_number($value) {
			$this->ec_license_number = $value;

		function get_ec_license_number() {
			return $this->ec_license_number;

		function set_ec_license_state($value) {
			$this->ec_license_state = $value;

		function get_ec_license_state() {
			return $this->ec_license_state;

		function set_ec_merchant_ref($value) {
			$this->ec_merchant_ref = $value;

		function get_ec_merchant_ref() {
			return $this->ec_merchant_ref;

		function set_ec_nbds_code($value) {
			$this->ec_nbds_code = $value;

		function get_ec_nbds_code() {
			return $this->ec_nbds_code;

		function set_ec_other_name($value) {
			$this->ec_other_name = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_other_name() {
			return $this->ec_other_name;

		function set_ec_payee($value) {
			$this->ec_payee = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_payee() {
			return $this->ec_payee;

		function set_ec_rt($value) {
			$this->ec_rt = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_rt() {
			return $this->ec_rt;

		function set_ec_serial_number($value) {
			$this->ec_serial_number = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_serial_number() {
			return $this->ec_serial_number;

		function set_ec_state($value) {
			$this->ec_state = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_state() {
			return $this->ec_state;

		function set_ec_zip($value) {
			$this->ec_zip = urlencode($value);

		function get_ec_zip() {
			return $this->ec_zip;

		function set_grand_total($value) {
			$this->grand_total = sprintf("%01.2f", $value);

		function get_grand_total() {
			return $this->grand_total;

		function set_merchant_email($value) {
			$this->merchant_email = urlencode($value);

		function get_merchant_email() {
			return $this->merchant_email;

		function set_merchant_trace_nbr($value) {
			$this->merchant_trace_nbr = $value;

		function get_merchant_trace_nbr() {
			return $this->merchant_trace_nbr;

		function set_original_amount($value) {
			$this->original_amount = sprintf("%01.2f", $value);

		function get_original_amount() {
			return $this->original_amount;

		function set_original_trandate_mm($value) {
			$this->original_trandate_mm = $value;

		function get_original_trandate_mm() {
			return $this->original_trandate_mm;

		function set_original_trandate_dd($value) {
			$this->original_trandate_dd = $value;

		function get_original_trandate_dd() {
			return $this->original_trandate_dd;

		function set_original_trandate_yyyy($value) {
			$this->original_trandate_yyyy = $value;

		function get_original_trandate_yyyy() {
			return $this->original_trandate_yyyy;

		function set_original_reference($value) {
			$this->original_reference = $value;

		function get_original_reference() {
			return $this->original_reference;

		function set_order_number($value) {
			$this->order_number = $value;

		function get_order_number() {
			return $this->order_number;

		function set_shipping_flag($value) {
			$this->shipping_flag = $value;

		function get_shipping_flag() {
			return $this->shipping_flag;

		function set_shipping_prefix($value) {
			$this->shipping_prefix = urlencode($value);

		function get_shipping_prefix() {
			return $this->shipping_prefix;

		function set_shipping_name($value) {
			$this->shipping_name = urlencode($value);

		function get_shipping_name() {
			return $this->shipping_name;

		function set_shipping_address1($value) {
			$this->shipping_address1 = urlencode($value);

		function get_shipping_address1() {
			return $this->shipping_address1;

		function set_shipping_address2($value) {
			$this->shipping_address2 = urlencode($value);

		function get_shipping_address2() {
			return $this->shipping_address2;

		function set_shipping_city($value) {
			$this->shipping_city = urlencode($value);

		function get_shipping_city() {
			return $this->shipping_city;

		function set_shipping_state($value) {
			$this->shipping_state = urlencode($value);

		function get_shipping_state() {
			return $this->shipping_state;

		function set_shipping_zip($value) {
			$this->shipping_zip = urlencode($value);

		function get_shipping_zip() {
			return $this->shipping_zip;

		function set_shipping_comments($value) {
			$this->shipping_comments = urlencode($value);

		function get_shipping_comments() {
			return $this->shipping_comments;

		function set_shipping_country($value) {
			$this->shipping_country = urlencode($value);

		function get_shipping_country() {
			return $this->shipping_country;

		function set_shipping_phone($value) {
			$this->shipping_phone = urlencode($value);

		function get_shipping_phone() {
			return $this->shipping_phone;

		function set_shipping_fax($value) {
			$this->shipping_fax = urlencode($value);

		function get_shipping_fax() {
			return $this->shipping_fax;

		function set_shipper($value) {
			$this->shipper = urlencode($value);

		function get_shipper() {
			return $this->shipper;

		function set_shipper_tracking_nbr($value) {
			$this->shipper_tracking_nbr = $value;

		function get_shipper_tracking_nbr() {
			return $this->shipper_tracking_nbr;

		function set_track1($value) {
			$this->track1 = urlencode($value);

		function get_track1() {
			return $this->track1;

		function set_track2($value) {
			$this->track2 = urlencode($value);

		function get_track2() {
			return $this->track2;

						Helper functions

		function getRandomCounter() {
			mt_srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
			Return mt_rand();

		function get_EchoResponse() {
			return $this->EchoResponse;

		function get_echotype1() {
			return $this->echotype1;

		function get_echotype2() {
			return $this->echotype2;

		function get_echotype3() {
			return $this->echotype3;

		function get_openecho() {
			return $this->openecho;

		function set_EchoServer($value) {
			$this->EchoServer = $value;

		function get_authorization() {
			return $this->authorization;

		function get_reference() {
			return $this->reference;

		function get_order_number() {
			return $this->order_number;

		function get_EchoSuccess() {
			return $this->EchoSuccess;

        function get_status() {
            return $this->status;

        function GetEchoProp($Haystack, $Prop) {    
            // prepend garbage in case the property
            // starts at position 0
            $Haystack = "garbage" . $Haystack;
            if  ($StartPos = strpos($Haystack, "<$Prop>")) {                
                $StartPos = strpos($Haystack, "<$Prop>") + strlen("<$Prop>");
                $EndPos = strpos($Haystack, "</$Prop");
                return substr($Haystack, $StartPos, $EndPos - $StartPos);
            } else {
                return "";

		function GetAuthFromEcho() {
			if ($startpos = strpos($this->echotype3, "<auth_code>")) {
				$startpos = strpos($this->echotype3, "<auth_code>") + 11;
				$endpos = strpos($this->echotype3, "</auth_code>");
				$this->authorization = substr($this->echotype3, $startpos, $endpos - $startpos);

		function GetOrderNumberFromEcho() {
			if ($startpos = strpos($this->echotype3, "<order_number>")) {
				$startpos = strpos($this->echotype3, "<order_number>") + 14;
				$endpos = strpos($this->echotype3, "</order_number>");
				$this->order_number = substr($this->echotype3, $startpos, $endpos - $startpos);

		function GetReferenceFromEcho() {
			if ($startpos = strpos($this->echotype3, "<echo_reference>")) {
				$startpos = strpos($this->echotype3, "<echo_reference>") + 16;
				$endpos = strpos($this->echotype3, "</echo_reference>");
				$this->reference = substr($this->echotype3, $startpos, $endpos - $startpos);

	} // end of class