#native_company# #native_desc#

Dynamic Document Search Engine – Part 2 Page 3

By M.Murali Dharan
on February 25, 2004

ProcessForm Function():
The code is similar to Part 1 coding, only here the occurrence count is added in link table along
with key id an content id. Here is the code.



$keyId "";

        if ( !
$allWords[$word] ) {

mysql_querysprintf"INSERT INTO keytable ( keyword ) VALUES ( '%s' )",

mysql_escape_string($word) ) );

            $keyId mysql_insert_id();

$allWords[$word] = $keyId;


        else {

$keyId $allWords[$word];


        // insert the link

mysql_querysprintf"INSERT INTO link (keyid, contid, occurrences) 

                               VALUES ( %d, %d, %d)"

$keyId$contentId,$occurances ) );



Search Engine:
As discussed in the Introduction part, here the search is performed with number of occurrences
in each document. Here is the code.












