#native_company# #native_desc#

DOM XML: An Alternative to Expat Page 5

By Matt Dunford
on December 27, 2000

A Longer Example

Here is a longer example of how to extract info from an xml doc. For example,
we have a file called employees.xml containing employee entries.
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<employees company="zoomedia.com">
		<position type="contract">Web Guy</position>

		<position type="full time">Mad Hacker</position>

		<position type="part time">Hairy SysAdmin</position>
Here’s how you would extract this info in your php script.


# iterate through an array of nodes

# looking for a text node

# return its content

function get_content($parent)


$nodes $parent->children();

$node array_shift($nodes))

        if (
$node->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)




# get the content of a particular node

function find_content($parent,$name)


$nodes $parent->children();

$node array_shift($nodes))

        if (
$node->name == $name)




# get an attribute from a particular node

function find_attr($parent,$name,$attr)


$nodes $parent->children();

$node array_shift($nodes))

        if (
$node->name == $name)




# load xml doc

$doc xmldocfile("employees.xml") or die("What employees?");

# get root Node (employees)

$root $doc->root();

# get an array of employees' children

# that is each employee node

$employees $root->children();

# shift through the array 

# and print out some employee data

while($employee array_shift($employees))


    if (
$employee->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)


    $name find_content($employee,"name");

$pos find_content($employee,"position");

$type find_attr($employee,"position","type");

    echo "$name the $pos, $type employee<br>";



You should see the following in your browser.
Matt the Web Guy, contract employee
George the Mad Hacker, full time employee
Wookie the Hairy SysAdmin, part time employee