#native_company# #native_desc#

Day Chooser

By Edwin Groothuis
on March 6, 2001

Version: 1.0

Type: Full Script

Category: Calendars/Dates

License: BSD License

Description: Easy to use interface to choose a day between two dates.

    // daychooser v1.0 by Edwin Groothuis ([email protected])
    // If you didn't get this file via http://www.mavetju.org, please
    // check there for the availability of newer versions.
    // See LICENSE for distribution issues. If this file isn't in
    // the distribution, please inform me about it.


    // evil constants, this is the begin of the time.

    $now=date("Y n d");
    $a=explode(" ",$now);



    if ($day=="" || $month=="" || year=="") {

    // leap-year. did you have your Y2K today?
    if ($yeargiven%4==0 && $yeargiven%100!=0 || $yeargiven%400==0)

	"Information avaible from <b>%04d %s %d</b> to <b>%04d %s %d</b><br>n",

    if ($daygiven!=0 && $monthgiven!=0 && $yeargiven!=0) {
	printf("You have choosen: %d %s %d.<br>n",

    // if nothing is given, only show the years
    if ($yeargiven==0 && $monthgiven==0) {
        echo "<ul>n";
        for ($year=$yearbegin;$year<=$yearnow;$year++) {
            echo "<li><a href="$PHP_SELF?year=$year&month=0&day=0">$year</a><br>n";
        echo "</ul>n";
    // if the only year is given, display years and months
    } elseif ($yeargiven!=0 && $monthgiven==0) {
        echo "<ul>n";
        for ($year=$yearbegin;$year<=$yearnow;$year++) {
            echo "<li><a href="$PHP_SELF?year=$year&month=0&day=0">$year</a><br>n";
            if ($year==$yeargiven) {
                echo "<ul><li>n";
                for ($month=($year==$yearbegin?$monthbegin:1);
                     $month++) {
                    echo "<a href="$PHP_SELF?year=$year&month=$month&day=0">$monthnames[$month]</a>n";
                echo "</li></ul>n";
        echo "</ul>n";
    // if the year and month are given, display years, months and days
    } elseif ($yeargiven!=0 && $monthgiven!=0) {
        echo "<ul>n";
        for ($year=$yearbegin;$year<=$yearnow;$year++) {
            echo "<li><a href="$PHP_SELF?year=$year&month=0&day=0">$year</a><br>n";
            if ($year==$yeargiven) {
                echo "<ul><li>n";
                for ($month=($year==$yearbegin?$monthbegin:1);
                     $month++) {
                    echo "<a href="$PHP_SELF?year=$year&month=$month&day=0">$monthnames[$month]</a>n";
                    if ($month==$monthgiven) {
                        echo "<ul><li>n";
                        for ($day=($year==$yearbegin&&$month==$monthbegin?$daybegin:1);
                             $day++) {
                            echo "<a href="$PHP_SELF?year=$year&month=$month&day=$day">$day</a> n";
                        echo "</li></ul>n";
                echo "</li></ul>n";
        echo "</ul>n";
