#native_company# #native_desc#

database viewer

By joey vasquez
on April 23, 2003

Version: 2.01

Type: Full Script

Category: Databases

License: GNU General Public License

Description: This is a simple url driven database viewer/editor. Note: this assumes you use a field called id as the index, if you’re clever, i’m sure you can figure out how to change it to whatever you need.

//copyright 2003 averageJoe web production
//written by Joseph Vasquez
//questions, comments, smart remarks can go to [email protected]
/*This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.*/

<style type="text/css">
<?php //put stylesheet here//*************************** ?>
<title>averageJoe :: database tool</title>
//this script assumes your table has a unique field and that unique field is "id"
//this script isn't very secure because it shows your database and table name in the url,
//i use it mainly for an admin tool

//example url: http://www.mysite.net/myfolder/db_tool2.php?datbase_name&table_name&1,2,3,4,5&,1,2,3

//argument order:  URL?database&table&field1,field2...(to show on main archive page)&field1,field2,...(to show on individual records)&action&sort&id&lo&hi

//mysql info:
$user = "";
$password = "";
$host = "localhost";

//link to view indidual records on this field
$use_num = 2;

//style sheet stuff
$class4table = "db";
$class4row = "body";
$class4alt_row = "body_alt";
$class4link = "db";

//my admin level stuff is created from the login and session variables
//if you plan to use admin rights, you need to go and comment my admin stuff out farther in this script
//there are 4 places to edit for this
//right now, admin can delete and edit
//$admin_level = 1;


	$array = explode("?",$REQUEST_URI);
	$array1 = explode("&",$array[1]);
	$lo = 0;
	$hi = 10;

	$args = count($array1);
		case 9:
			$hi = $array1[8];
		case 8:
			$lo = $array1[7];
		case 7:
			$temp_id = $array1[6];
		case 6:
			$sort_by = $array1[5];
		case 5:
			$edit_action = $array1[4];
		case 4:
			$which_fields_show1 = $array1[3];
		case 3:
			$which_fields1 = $array1[2];
		case 2:
			$which_table = $array1[1];
		case 1:
			$which_db = $array1[0];
	if(isset($which_fields1) && !empty($which_fields1)){
		$which_fields = explode(",",$which_fields1);
		$which_fields1 = "-1";
	if(isset($which_fields_show1) && !empty($which_fields_show1)){
		$which_fields_show = explode(",",$which_fields_show1);
		$which_fields1 = "-1";
	$cur_page = intval($lo)/20;

	$link = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password) or die("Couldn't establish link.");
	mysql_select_db($which_db) or die("Couldn't select database.");
	$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $which_table");
	$tot = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $which_table"));
		$tot = 0;

		case "delete":
			$query = "DELETE FROM $which_table where id='$temp_id' LIMIT 1";
			$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Couldn't Query.");
			echo java_redirect("$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&&$sort_by&$temp_id&$lo&$hi");
		case "show":
			$query = "SELECT * FROM $which_table where id='$temp_id' LIMIT 1";
			$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Couldn't Query.");

			echo "<center><table width="75%" border=0 cellpadding=0 class="$class4table">n";
			echo "<tr class="$class4alt_row"><td colspan=2><center><b>$which_table</b></center></td></tr>n";
			echo "<tr><td colspan=2><b><small>[<a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&&$sort_by&$temp_id&$lo&$hi" target="_self">back to archive</a>]</small></b></tr></td>";

			$fields = mysql_list_fields($which_db,$which_table, $link);
			$num_fields = mysql_num_fields($result);
			if(intval($which_fields_show1) >= 0){
				$num_fields = count($which_fields_show);
			while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)){
				for($i = 0; $i <= $num_fields; $i++){
					if($which_fields_show1 >= 0 && in_array(strval($i),$which_fields_show)){
						$temp = mysql_field_name($fields, $i);
						echo "<tr class="$class4row_alt"><td align="left" valign="top" width="10%"><b>$temp</b></td><td>$row[$i]</td><tr class="$class4row">n";
//this is what i use for admin rights
//change it to what ever you want
//				if($logged_in && $user_level == $admin_level){
//					echo "<td><a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&delete&$sort_by&$row[0]&$lo&$hi" target="_self">delete</a> <a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&edit&$sort_by&$row[0]&$lo&$hi" target="_self">edit</a></td>n";
//				}
//end admin rights
				echo "</tr>n";
			echo "<tr><td colspan=2><b><small>[<a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&&$sort_by&$temp_id&$lo&$hi" target="_self">back to archive</a>]</small></b></td></tr>";
			echo "</table></center>n";
		case "edit":
			$query = "SELECT * FROM $which_table where id='$temp_id' LIMIT 1";
			$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Couldn't Query.");

			echo "<center><form name="edit" action="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&edit_second&$sort_by&$temp_id&$num&$num2" method="post"><table width="75%" border=0 cellpadding=0 class="$class4table">n";
			echo "<tr class="$class4alt_row"><td colspan=2><center><b>$which_table</b></center></td></tr>n";
			echo "<tr><td colspan=2><b><small>[<a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&&$sort_by&$temp_id&$lo&$hi" target="_self">back to archive</a>]</small></b></tr></td>";

			$fields = mysql_list_fields($which_db,$which_table, $link);
			$num_fields = mysql_num_fields($result);
			if(intval($which_fields_show1) >= 0){
				$num_fields = count($which_fields_show);
			while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)){
				for($i = 0; $i <= $num_fields; $i++){
					if($which_fields_show1 >= 0 && in_array(strval($i),$which_fields_show)){
						$temp = mysql_field_name($fields, $i);
						echo "<tr class="$class4row_alt"><td align="left" valign="top" width="10%"><b>$temp</b></td><td><input type="text" value="$row[$i]" name="$temp" length=25></td><tr class="$class4row">n";
//this is what i use for admin rights
//change it to what ever you want
//				if($logged_in && $user_level == $admin_level){
//					echo "<td><a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&delete&$sort_by&$row[0]&$lo&$hi" target="_self">delete</a></td>n";
//				}
//end admin rights
				echo "</tr>n";
			echo "<tr><td colspan=2><input type="submit" value="Update"></td></tr>n";
			echo "<tr><td colspan=2><b><small>[<a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&&$sort_by&$temp_id&$lo&$hi" target="_self">back to archive</a>]</small></b></td></tr>";
			echo "</table></form></center>n";
		case "edit_second":
			$query = "SELECT * FROM $which_table where id='$temp_id' LIMIT 1";
			$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Couldn't Query.");
			$string1 = array();

			$fields = mysql_list_fields($which_db,$which_table, $link);
			$num_fields = mysql_num_fields($result);

			for($i = 0; $i <=$num_fields; $i++){
				if($which_fields_show1 >= 0 && in_array(strval($i),$which_fields_show)){
					$temp = mysql_field_name($fields, $i);
					$string1[] = $temp . "= '${$temp}'";
			$string2 = implode($string1,",");
			$query = "UPDATE $which_table SET $string2 WHERE id='$temp_id'";
			mysql_query($query) or die("couldn't query");
			echo java_redirect("$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&$sort_by&&$lo$hi");
			if(isset($sort_by) && !empty($sort_by)){
				if(strpos($sort_by,"%") > 0){
					$string = explode("%",$sort_by);
					$query = "SELECT * FROM $which_table ORDER BY $string[0] $string[1] LIMIT $lo, 20"; 
					$query = "SELECT * FROM $which_table ORDER BY $sort_by LIMIT $lo, 20"; 
				$query = "SELECT * FROM $which_table LIMIT $lo, 20";
			$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Couldn't Query.");
			$fields = mysql_list_fields($which_db,$which_table, $link);
			$num_fields = mysql_num_fields($result);
			if(intval($which_fields1) >= 0){
				$num_fields = count($which_fields);
			if(isset($logged_in) && $logged_in && $user_level < 2){
//****************************** begin navigation
			echo "<center><table width="75%" border=0 cellpadding=0 class="$class4table">n";
			echo "<tr class="$class4row">n";
			if(intval($lo)-19 > 0){
				$num = intval($lo) - 20;
				$num2 = 20;
				echo "<td align="left">";
				echo "<a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&$edit_action&$sort_by&$temp_id&$num&$num2" target="_self">back</a></td>n";
				echo "<td align="left">????????</td>n";

			echo "<td align="center"><small>Pages:</small>????";
			for($i = 0; $i <= $tot/20; $i++){
				$num = $i * 20;
				$j = $i + 1;
				if($i == $cur_page){
					echo "[$j] ";
					echo "<a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&$edit_action&$sort_by&$temp_id&$num&$num2" target="_self">$j</a> n";
			echo "</td>n";
			if(intval($lo)+20 < $tot){
				$num = intval($lo) + 20;
				$num2 = 20;
				echo "<td align="right"><a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&$edit_action&$sort_by&$temp_id&$num&$num2" target="_self">forward</a></td>n";
				echo "<td align="right">????????????</td>n";
			echo "</tr>n</table></center><br>n";
//****************************** end navigation

			echo "<center><table width="75%" border=0 cellpadding=0 class="$class4table">n";
			echo "<tr class="$class4alt_row"><td colspan=$num_fields><center><b>$which_table</b></center></td></tr>n";
			echo "<tr class="$class4alt_row">";
			for($i = 0; $i <= $num_fields; $i++){
				if($which_fields1 >= 0 && in_array(strval($i),$which_fields)){
					$temp = mysql_field_name($fields, $i);
					if(strcmp($sort_by,$temp . "%ASC") == 0){
						$link = $temp . "%DESC";
						$link = $temp . "%ASC";
					echo "<td><b><a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&$edit_action&$link&&$lo&$hi" target="_self">$temp</a></b></td>";
			echo "</tr>n";
			$x = 0;
			while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)){
					echo "<tr class="$class4row">n";
					echo "<tr class="$class4alt_row">n";
				//**link on
				for($i = 0; $i < count($row); $i++){
					if($which_fields1 >= 0 && in_array(strval($i),$which_fields)){
						echo "<td>";
							echo "<a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&show&$sort_by&$row[0]&$lo&$hi" target="_self">$row[$i]</a>";
//admin edit rights
//							if($logged_in && intval($user_level) == $admin_level){
//								echo "<br><a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&edit&$sort_by&$row[0]&$lo&$hi" target="_self">edit</a>n";
//							}
//end edit rights
							echo "$row[$i]";

						echo "</td>n";
//this is what i use for admin rights
//change it to what ever you want
//				if($logged_in && $user_level == $admin_level){
//					echo "<td><a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&delete&$sort_by&$row[0]&$lo&$hi" target="_self">delete</a></td>n";
//				}
//end admin rights
				echo "</tr>n";
			echo "</table>n<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=75%><tr><td align="right" valign="middle"><span style="font-size:7pt;color:#003399;font-weight:bold;">?? Copyright 2003, AverageJoe Web Productions</span></td></tr></table>n";
//****************************** begin navigation
			echo "<br>n<table width="75%" border=0 cellpadding=0 class="$class4table">n";
			echo "<tr class="$class4row">n";
			if(intval($lo)-19 > 0){
				$num = intval($lo) - 20;
				$num2 = 20;
				echo "<td align="left">";
				echo "<a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&$edit_action&$sort_by&$temp_id&$num&$num2" target="_self">back</a></td>n";
				echo "<td align="left">????????</td>n";
			echo "<td align="center"><small>Pages:</small>????";
			for($i = 0; $i <= $tot/20; $i++){
				$num = $i * 20;
				$j = $i + 1;
				if($i == $cur_page){
					echo "[$j] ";
					echo "<a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&$edit_action&$sort_by&$temp_id&$num&$num2" target="_self">$j</a> n";
			echo "</td>n";
			if(intval($lo)+20 < $tot){
				$num = intval($lo) + 20;
				$num2 = 20;
				echo "<td align="right"><a class="$class4link" href="$PHP_SELF?$which_db&$which_table&$which_fields1&$which_fields_show1&$edit_action&$sort_by&$temp_id&$num&$num2" target="_self">forward</a></td>n";
				echo "<td align="right">????????????</td>n";
			echo "</tr>n</table>n</center>n";
//****************************** end navigation
//java stuff
	function java_message($message){
		return "<script language="javascript">alert("$message");</script>";
	function java_refresh_parent(){
		return "<script language="javascript">nopener.location.reload(true);</script>";
	function java_close(){
		return "<script language="javascript">nself.close();n</script>";
	function java_redirect($loc){
		return "<script language="javascript">nwindow.location="$loc";</script>";
	function java_redirect_parent($loc){
		return "<script language="javascript">nopener.location="$loc";</script>";