Version: 2.6
Type: Class
Category: Calendars/Dates
License: GNU General Public License
Description: Contains a core class with no visual interface for use by you in your scripts AND a HTML interface class that will use the core class to display a one month calender with drop down month & year selector, next/previous month buttons, dates displayed are clickable and highlightable.
Currently it doesn’t look so great in netscape so I would appreciate any assistance with that.
<?php /* This an extension to the class I wrote, v 2.5.1 written by: David Hernandez Sanz ([email protected]) This class is intended to be an extension, so make sure you download 2.5.1 first. It includes a lot of improvements, and also allows for some european calendar option. */ //require("cal.php"); class Calendar1 extends Calendar { var $dayBeginWeek = 1; // Day begin of week (for example, 1 for UK or 2 for Spain) var $minMonth = 2; // Valid date interval for mktime() var $minYear = 1970; var $maxMonth = 12; var $maxYear = 2037; function startCalendar($myCal) { if (!(null === $myCal["month"]) && !(null === $myCal["year"])) { $thecalendar = $this->displayCalendar($myCal); } else { $now = date('n,Y'); $myDate = explode(",",$now); $myCal["month"] = $myDate[0]; $myCal["year"] = $myDate[1]; $thecalendar = $this->displayCalendar($myCal); } return $thecalendar; } function checkDate($month,$year) { if (!is_numeric($month) || !is_numeric($year)) $txt = $this->myError("Either the month of year was non-numeric."); elseif ($month > 12 || $month < 1 || ((1 == $month) && ($this->minYear == $year))) $txt = $this->myError("The number passed for the month value is not valid."); elseif ($year > $this->maxYear || $year < $this->minYear) $txt = $this->myError("The number passed for the year value is not valid."); else $txt = null; return $txt; } function next($month, $year) { if (($this->maxMonth == $month) && ($this->maxYear == $year)) $next = null; elseif (12 == $month) { $next["month"] = 1; $next["year"] = $year + 1; } else { $next["month"] = $month + 1; $next["year"] = $year; } return $next; } function last($month,$year) { if (($this->minMonth == $month) && ($this->minYear == $year)) $last = null; elseif (1 == $month) { $last["month"] = 12; $last["year"] = $year - 1; } else { $last["month"] = $month - 1; $last["year"] = $year; } return $last; } function dayName($day) { $dayName = array(1 => "Sun", 2 => "Mon", 3 => "Tue", 4 => "Wed", 5 => "Thu", 6 => "Fri", 7 => "Sat"); return $dayName[$day]; } function displayCalendar($myCal) { global $_SERVER; extract($myCal); // Make sure that we have a valid month and year. $check = $this->checkDate($month,$year); if (null == $check) { $next = ($link_next) ? $this->next($month, $year) : null; $last = ($link_last) ? $this->last($month, $year) : null; if (!$url_nav) $url_nav = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $parse = parse_url($url_nav); $sep = $parse["query"] ? "&" : "?"; if ($last) { $url = $url_nav . $sep . "month=" . $last["month"] . "&year=" . $last["year"]; $url = htmlentities($url, ENT_QUOTES); $txt_last = "<a href="$url" class="$class"><<</a>"; } else $txt_last = " "; if ($next) { $url = $url_nav . $sep . "month=" . $next["month"] . "&year=" . $next["year"]; $url = htmlentities($url, ENT_QUOTES); $txt_next = "<a href="$url" class="$class">>></a>"; } else $txt_next = " "; $myCalendar = "<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="$class">n" . " <tr>n" . " <td colspan="7" align="center">n" . " <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="$class">n" . " <tr>n" . " <th align="center" width="30" class="$class_nav">n" . " $txt_last</th>n" . " <th align="center" class="$class_header">n" . " " . $this->monthName($month) . " $year</th>n" . " <th align="center" width="30" class="$class_nav">n" . " $txt_next</th>n" . " </tr>n" . " </table></td>n" . " </tr>n" . " <tr>n"; for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $i_real = $i + $this->dayBeginWeek; if (8 <= $i_real) $i_real -= 7; $myCalendar .= " <td width="27" align="center" valign="middle" class="$class">n" . " " . $this->dayName($i_real) . "</td>n"; } $myCalendar .= " </tr>n"; $day = null; $first_day_of_month = $this->getDayOfWeek(1, $month, $year); $first_c_of_month = $first_day_of_month + 1 - $this->dayBeginWeek; if (0 > $first_c_of_month) $first_c_of_month += 7; if (!$url_day) $url_day = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $parse = parse_url($url_day); $sep = $parse["query"] ? "&" : "?"; //scan thru calendar grid for ($r = 1; $r <= 6; $r++) for ($c = 0; $c < 7; $c++) { if (0 == $c) $myCalendar .= " <tr>n"; if ((null === $day) && ($c < $first_c_of_month)) $myCalendar .= " <td class="$class_empty">n" . " </td>n"; elseif ($day && ($this->daysInMonth($month, $year) < $day)) { $myCalendar .= " <td class="$class_empty">n" . " </td>n"; $r = 7; } else { if (null === $day) $day = 1; $day_week = $c + $this->dayBeginWeek; if (7 < $day_week) $day_week -= 7; if ($holiday[$day_week]) $myCalendar .= " <td align="center" valign="middle" class="$class_holiday">n" . " $day</td>n"; elseif ((date(d) == $day) && (date(m) == $month) && (date(Y) == $year)) { $url = $url_day . $sep . "day=$day&month=$month&year=$year"; $url = htmlentities($url, ENT_QUOTES); $myCalendar .= " <td align="center" valign="middle" class="$class_today">n" . " <a href="$url" class="$class">n" . " $day</a></td>n"; } else { $url = $url_day . $sep . "day=$day&month=$month&year=$year"; $url = htmlentities($url, ENT_QUOTES); $myCalendar .= " <td align="center" valign="middle" class="$class_normal">n" . " <a href="$url" class="$class">n" . " $day</a></td>n"; } $day++; } if (6 == $c) { $myCalendar .= " </tr>n"; if ($this->daysInMonth($month, $year) < $day) $r = 7; } } $myCalendar .= "</table>n"; } else $myCalendar = $check; return $myCalendar; } } /* // First configure this bad boy. echo '<style> TABLE.calendario { FONT-FAMILY: tahoma, arial, sans-serif; } TH.calendarioCab { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #DDDDDD; COLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 100%; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; } TH.calendarioNav { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #DDDDDD; COLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 80%; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; } TD.calendario { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #BBBBBB; COLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 80%; } TD.calendarioNormal { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #EEEEEE; COLOR: "#0063C6"; FONT-SIZE: 80%; } TD.calendarioHoy { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #DDDDDD; COLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 80%; } TD.calendarioFiesta { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #CCCCCC; COLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 80%; } TD.calendarioVacio { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFFFF; COLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 80%; } A.calendario { TEXT-DECORATION: none; } </style> '; $myCal["class"] = "calendario"; $myCal["class_header"] = "calendarioCab"; $myCal["class_nav"] = "calendarioNav"; $myCal["class_normal"] = "calendarioNormal"; $myCal["class_today"] = "calendarioHoy"; $myCal["class_holiday"] = "calendarioFiesta"; $myCal["class_empty"] = "calendarioVacio"; $myCal["link_next"] = true; $myCal["link_last"] = true; $myCal["url_nav"] = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?var=value"; $myCal["url_day"] = "page.php?var=value"; $myCal["holiday"] = array(1 => true, 2 => false, 3 => false, 4 => false, 5 => false, 6 => false, 7 => true); extract($_GET); if (!(isset($month) && isset($year))) { $month = null; $year = null; } $myCal = array_merge($myCal, compact("month", "year")); // Start your engines! $newCal = new Calendar1(); print $newCal->startCalendar($myCal); */ ?>