Version: 1.0
Type: Full Script
Category: Algorithms
License: GNU General Public License
Description: You will be able to do a light sort of encryption and decryption using these encode() and decode() functions (without the use of mcrypt/libmcrypt). Functions require PHP ver >= 4.2.0.
After using encode(), remember to save the IV along with the encrypted value, so you’ll be able to decrypt it later. The encrypted value and IV can be saved in a flat file, database, or passed along in the URL (and in hidden form fields too).
This code is presented under the GPL and comes with no support and no warranties whatsoever. Use at your own risk.
<?PHP /** * The key used to encode/decode individual field data. Customize for you! * Keep this key a secret (keep this in a config file off the web * directory). Use readable characters and make at least 62 characters long. * The key default specified is made up of single UNIQUE characters of: * "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" * *Ruler-Tens: 1 2 3 4 5 6 *Ruler-Ones: 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 */ $ENCRYPT_KEY = "z1Mc6KRxA7Nw90dGjY5qLXhtrPgJOfeCaUmHvQT3yW8nDsI2VkEpiS4blFoBuZ"; // /--- EACH CHARACTER MUST BE UNIQUE. NO DUPS ---/ /** * As of PHP 4.2.0, there is no need to seed the random number * generator, however, we'll do it here for portability. This will be * needed for use with the creation of an IV for encode/decode functions. */ mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); srand((double)microtime()*1000000); /** * stringSplit - Parses out a string into x number of byte chunk characters. * Example: $arr = stringSplit('Hi', 1); * * $arr then contains: $arr[0] = 'H' and $arr[1] = 'i' * * @param string $_text Pass a text string you would like to parse out. * @param int $_chunksize The number of characters to split by. * @return array Returns an array with each index containing x characters. * @access public */ function stringSplit($_text, $_chunksize = 1) { preg_match_all('/(' . str_repeat('.', $_chunksize) . ')/Uims', $_text, $_matches); return $_matches[1]; } /** * encode - Encrypts plain text. It uses an Initialization Vector (IV) * integer in the range of 1-500 in order to produce more varied results. * You must use the same IV number when calling the decode member. * The encrypted text may be longer than original plain text. * This function requires PHP ver >= 4.2.0 because of str_rot13 function. * * * @param string $_text Pass the plain text you would like to encrypt. * @param int $_IV Pass a random number between 1 and 500. * @param string $_ENCRYPT_KEY Pass the key to use for encryption. * @return string Returns the plain text passed in encrypted format. * @access public */ function encode($_text, $_IV = 3, $_ENCRYPT_KEY) { if (is_numeric($_IV)) { $_IV = intval($_IV); if ($_IV < 1) $_IV = 1; else if ($_IV > 500) $_IV = 42; } else { $_IV = 3; } $_text .= ' '; $_arr1 = stringSplit($_ENCRYPT_KEY); $_arr2 = $_arr1; foreach ($_arr1 as $_i1 => $_v1) { foreach ($_arr2 as $_i2 => $_v2) { $_counter = ($_i2 + 1) + ($_i1 * strlen($_ENCRYPT_KEY)); $_array[$_counter] = $_v1 . $_v2; if ($_v1 == $_v2) $_array[$_counter] = $_v1 . '_'; } } $_encoded = ''; $_count = 0; $_msgarr = stringSplit($_text); foreach ($_msgarr as $_mindex => $_mvalue) { If ($_mindex / 2 <> ceil ($_mindex / 2)) { $_masc = ord($_mvalue) - 31; $_masc = $_masc + (ceil($_count * $_IV / 3) + $_IV); $_count++; if ($_count > 12) $_count = 0; $_encoded .= $_array[$_masc]; } else { // No need to get around str_rot13 bug here since $_mvalue is // not being referenced after this point & will get overriden. $_encoded .= str_rot13($_mvalue); } } return $_encoded; } /** * decode - Decodes text that was previously encrypted with encode. * This function requires PHP ver >= 4.2.0 because of str_rot13 function. * * @param string $_text Pass the encrypted text created by encode. * @param int $_IV Pass the same IV number as used in encode. * @param string $_ENCRYPT_KEY Pass the same key used in encode. * @return string Returns the unencrypted plain text. * @access public */ function decode($_text, $_IV = 3, $_ENCRYPT_KEY) { $_count = 0; if (is_numeric($_IV)) { $_IV = intval($_IV); if ($_IV < 1) $_IV = 1; else if ($_IV > 500) $_IV = 42; } else { $_IV = 3; } $_arr1 = stringSplit($_ENCRYPT_KEY); $_arr2 = $_arr1; foreach ($_arr1 as $_i1 => $_v1) { foreach ($_arr2 as $_i2 => $_v2) { $_counter = ($_i2 + 1) + ($_i1 * strlen($_ENCRYPT_KEY)); $_array[$_counter] = $_v1 . $_v2; if ($_v1 == $_v2) $_array[$_counter] = $_v1 . '_'; } } $_array = array_flip($_array); $_msgarr = stringSplit($_text, 3); $_decoded = ''; foreach ($_msgarr as $_mvalue) { // $_tmp_hold used to get around a possible PHP bug in versions // earlier than 4.3.0. The variable passed in function might change. $_tmp_hold = $_mvalue; $_decoded .= str_rot13($_tmp_hold{0}); $_ivalue = $_array[substr($_mvalue, 1, 2)]; $_ivalue = $_ivalue - (ceil($_count * $_IV / 3) + $_IV); $_count++; if ($_count > 12) $_count = 0; $_masc = chr($_ivalue + 31); $_decoded .= $_masc; } return trim($_decoded); } // Example of how to encode and decode some data // All displays (echo) are for illustration purposes $text = 'Hello World!'; echo 'Original text: ', $text, '<br><br>'; $iv = (int) mt_rand(1, 500); // or use rand() echo 'IV number generated: ', $iv, '<br><br>'; $encrypted = encode($text, $iv, $ENCRYPT_KEY); echo 'Encoded text: ', $encrypted, '<br><br>'; $decrypted = decode($encrypted, $iv, $ENCRYPT_KEY); echo 'Text after decode: ', $decrypted, '<br><br>'; ?>